Chapter 12

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Ally's pov

I woke up and rubbed my eyes vigorously and rubbed my Octopus's arms on my nose and sighed at the comfort.This was my guilty pleasure and something I have never shown anyone.I got out of bed and made my way to the living and the boys were watching some game.I bit my lip suddenly feeling awkward and decided it's best of I head to my room.

I slowly turned and before I could even take a step Xander caught me
Shit act cool
Really Ally a "hey"
Shut up
"We wanna talk to you"Zander said a determined glint in his eyes and he gestured me to sit.

I sat down feeling slightly uneasy and after an awkward silence Xander spoke up
"We are sorry Ally for all that happened and we know it won't change anything but we know we should say it.I.....we really missed you and we wanna be friends again or anything other than strangers or enemies.We can call a truce or something?"
They were staring at me anxiously and I nodded"Truce" and their mouth were gaped open as they stared at me in utter disbelief.

When I thought about it now, I knew we couldn't change the past but only make better of our future and so maybe this would be the closure I need,To move on and be happy.

They grinned at me and said"Trust us you won't regret it"

I hope so

It's been two weeks since our truce and we are slowly but steadily building our relationship and we are more comfortable with eachother.I was on my way to Karla's house as we planned on having a baking day.I walked to the backdoor just like she instructed and before I could knock I heard a slam of a palm against skin and a sob.I froze' is she under attack or is Lucas ....abusin-'

My thoughts were cut off as I slowly moved my gaze to the window trying to catch a glimpse and then I saw it.

Admist of the spacious and luxurious kitchen was Karla laying across Lucas's lap and sobbing her eyes out muttering soft 'I am sorry daddy '

My jaw dropped figuratively and literally and I couldn't believe my eyes.She's a......... Little? As I slowly stepped back not wanting to know I am there,I bump into something hard and yelp softly before I lift my head to see burning hazel eyes,Xander.


"Whatcha doing here Bambi?" He grumbled out amusement shining in his eyes.They gave me that nickname when we first met cause my eyes remind them of Bambi.
"I-I cam-me for a w-walk"I stuttered not wanting him to catch what I was doing, Peeping ."In Karla's and Luke's backyard?" He interiogated
He moved his gaze to window and he smirked at the scene he clicked his tounge and looked at me again"Naughty girl It's naughty to peep, I am so disappointed you need to be punished"
"I wa-as not-"
He was now close to my ear when he whispered"Lying gets you into more trouble".

Holy moly

Macaroni Cheestickss

I am fucked

He wrapped his hand around my waist and kissed the spot behind my ear and I gasped and so badly wanted to let out the whimper that is stuck on my throat.He whispered again"Does that turn you on?Do you want to be over someone's lap as they tell you what a naughty girl you are?How they keep spanking you until your cute bottom is red and warm for them?Do you Bambi?"

Not just someone,them

He didn't wait for my response and said"Have a fun day baking,See you in the evening" and sauntered off leaving me with a wet panties, flushed face and a wildly beating heart with one thought in my head.

I am fucked


Hey so it's me your gorgeous and not very committed author,I just wanted thank everyone who shows your love to the book it honestly is a big motivation to write more.So if there's any sexy scenes you want me to add or a cutesy scene.Hit me up!!
I absolutely love hearing your ideas.
Thank you soo much again

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