Chapter 2

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I always loved working in a coffee shop.The warm light that makes people glow.Couples full in love giggling and blushing.A lot of groaning from the college students,It was a my safe haven.

"I would like-" Mrs Smith,our 59-year old regular customer asked before I cut in.

"A medium cup coffee strong with 1 cube of sugar?"
"You always get it right dear", She smiled."Only for you Mrs Smith".After some small talk she left with her coffee.

I turned around and took a deep breath.I took out my pills that help with my depression and popped them in my mouth,not counting If I took the right amount.

"Excuse me",a deep baritone voice sounded.Collecting myself,I slipped on my mask and turned around smiling like I wasn't crumbling.

My heart stopped as I stared at the hazel eyes I haven't seen for the past two years,my haunted memory,my muse and someone I never wanted to see ever.He looked more mature, sporting a beard and donning a brown jacket that suited his eyes.I wanted to slap myself for checking him out.

"Ally" he breathed out
I AM NOT YOUR ALLY DON'T CALL ME THAT I screamed in my mind.

"What can I get you Sir?"too tired to be cold or angry.I am gonna pretend we never ever met

"Ally I am-" I cut him off

"Sir I have a busy line, please order or step aside for the next customer"I said a huge lump forming in my throat.

Don't cry
Don't cry

"I would like 12 blueberry muffins for the road"he said in a dull voice

"Your order should be out any minute,Cash or Credit" I asked not looking at him.

After he payed and left, I tried to pretend everything was okay but it wasn't and I felt the wall closing in on me.After my shift,I bolted home and popped a few sleeping pills.I quickly crawled into bed deciding to sleep my problems away.

I dreamt of the first time we met.

Past-10 years old

"Hiiiii!!" I shreiked at the two boys that came out of their new homes.Mama always said I was too loud and that it often scared people.I saw the boys stare at me startled and surprised as their neighbour bolted to them.They were taller than me,Most people were.I was shocked to see they were twins, same hazel eyes that looked like a coffee my mama loves to have in the morning and same frown.

"I am Ally"I said grinning, giving my hand to shake.They stared at my hand until the taller one of them, with a black choker and hair filled with streaks of blue engulfed my hand,"Xander"he grumbled out and pointed at his brother who was wearing a beanie and had a smirk in his face"Zander" he said again.

"I live next door,so if you want any help do not hesitate to ask"I said and added"Wanna play with my doll house?",They looked at me with surprise before warmth filled their eyes"Sure" Zander whispered.

I regret meeting them to this day....

Dark Moon MC Series I:My Biker Twinsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن