VOLUME 5 Chapter 8

Start from the beginning

Looking around, he sees the large cattle wagon they used to transport the animals. It was shabbily assembled and seemed to formerly be a troop transport carriage. He removes his helmet, holding it with its horn and whistles for his horse to come to him. Meanwhile the High Elves started using magic to snuff out the fire. Using Wind and Water magic to at least weaken it. But Bahamut could just spread it to any size of her desire, making their efforts useless. Hooking up his Undead Horse to the wagon, he backs it up to the gates and using his enchanted greatsword Hellraiser, absolutely annihilates the large metal lock.

Loading in the animals, he looked around and could see that everyone was still gone, he used this opportunity to head into the Officer's Tent and look for any information. He finds a giant map of Geraldia and a leather journal. Seeing the chance, he steals anything he could. Throwing it into the passenger seat of the large carriage. He checks if all the Pigs and Cows have boarded and could see that it doesn't fit. Panicking a little as the High Elves were slowly getting tired of fighting the fire, he goes around into the pen and uses his greatsword with a mixture of magic.

He slashes the air and uses some basic Control Wind Magic, using the air to stack the animals inside the cattle carriage. Seeing his hasty plan work, he holds his hands up and celebrates like a Tusken Raider. His celebrations are stopped with the High Elves planning to return to their Outpost to get more water.


"Uh oh."

He dashes into the driver seat and sends the horse flying down the dirt path. Seeing their food getting away, the High Elves hopped into their armored horses and started chasing him down. A few hundred meters down the line, Bahamut lands in the middle of the road in her larger form. Paul passes by underneath her, lifting her tail to let him through but then when the Elven chasers were about to pass her, she makes multiple balls of fire to reveal her insane size that towers over the dead trees. This made the High Elves piss their pants while on the horizon as Morning rises, the Death Knight could be heard laughing and mocking them as he rides off to the rising Sun. An hour later, he arrives back at the Orc Village.

As the door opens with him hauling their cattle back, two village beauties stand with their arms crossed. Looking into them, it's Alana and Elizabeth. Bahamut without a sound crawls behind him, hiding underneath his black leather cape. "Oy you little lizard. You'll be here to explain with me!" He tries to grab the dragon, but due to being as small a kitten and him in a bulky and spiky armor, he is unable to grab support as the carriage arrives and stops in front of the two angry Vampires.

"Oh uhh... Hi girls."

"Grrrrrr..." the two women weren't having any of it. Elizabeth drags the Knight out of the driver seat while one of the guards hopped on and started redistributing their livestock to those taken from. Alana takes off his horned helmet, revealing his frightened face.

"Hey girls... How was your sleep?"

"YOU MORON! Do you know what you might've just started?!"

"D-don't worry, we scared them off and uh uh bought back the food!"

Elizabeth grabs him by the ear, like a Mother scolding an unruly child.

"And what if they return with a Legion or a Troop?! Would you be there to stop them?!"

"M'Lord, did you not think of what this'll do to the High Elves?!"

As the two nagged at him, the Chief just sighs and walks up to the trio.

"Alright, alright. May we please all calm down? I've been the one responsible for hiring your Lord. Do not worry about the High Elves, they're way too busy looking into something else. They won't be returning here for some time."

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