The Second Audition

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"Oh, man," Sangwoo muttered, carefully wiping sweat off his brow. Thankfully, the little makeup he'd put on, although not heavy, was pretty sweat-resistant. He looked at his watch. 

It was a gift from his father for his twentieth birthday, before he'd turned into something Sangwoo had come to despise. He still had a little time. Looking at the building in front of him, the boy marveled at its sheer size. 

He noticed a woman standing to one side. Her eyes seemed to be searching for someone. He guessed this was the woman he'd talked to on the phone, Heejung. 

He made his way to her. 

"Uh, Miss?" he asked. 

"Choi Sangwoo?" she looked at him. 

"Yes, and you are Heejung, correct?" 

"Yes. Let's say the code together once so we can confirm our identities." 

He nodded. "Alright." 

"On the count of three. One, two, three: 0408!" 

She indicated that he follow her as she turned and headed inside the building. 

"Wow," he muttered as he looked around in amazement. "It's so big." 

"I know, right?" Heejung smiled, pride evident in her tone. She led him down a hallway, and they soon came upon a row of doors that were labeled 'practice room', with serial numbers next to them. She opened one. The space inside was well lit, having a mirror to Sangwoo's left and a couple of chairs in the front. "I'll just call the executives and the CEO. I hope you've chosen a song to perform and another one to sing. The song you choose to sing can be from another language. You can stretch while you wait." 

He'd almost forgotten that he had to sing as well. That was another main thing companies like this measured. But he couldn't let the receptionist know, so he nodded. "I hope they like me." 

"I'm pretty sure they will. They saw the clip, after all," she smiled. 

"Oh, did they now?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. 

She nodded. "Good luck." 

"Oh, no. What do I sing? What do I sing?" Sangwoo wondered out loud once he was alone. "What do I do? I forgot to pick a song." he put a fist under his chin as he thought about it. A song came to mind. "Oh, wait. It's so obvious now." 

He warmed up his vocal cords for five minutes. Luckily for him, that Jacobs Vocal Academy video was ingrained in his brain because he'd done the same exercises so many times. It had been extremely useful right before busking anywhere. 

Stretching his muscles, he moved his shoulders, turning his neck right, then left. He popped his knuckles. 

The door opened to reveal three people, two of whom Sangwoo immediately recognized. In the middle was the CEO, Bang Sihyuk. At the left was Son Sungdeuk, BTS's famed choreographer. The person second from the right was unknown to him. 

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