Reader Comments

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Special shout-out to Stownsend0524  and Steph22 for helping edit this book.

Down below are comments and award given

In July 2022- it is because of comments like these ones share below that I had the confidence and encouragement to submit this story for the #wattys2022. 

"Wow- i have been reading your books. I am surprised your books don't have more comments and votes. You draw us in with your vivid descriptions. I feel like I am in the middle of the scene. Some I am in tears. Some make me feel scared. Some I feel the pain and frustration of the characters.  I definitely feel you are underestimated. You definitely don't write the typical werewolf stories. They are originals and unique. Keep up the good job."

January 2022
"I really loved this story! The characters were so realistic. They came to life for me. I cried and laughed with them. This story was amazing! Do you have plans on turning this story into a series. I would really love to read more about the children."


February 2022
"🥰loved this story! You are a great writer. "

"This story was amazing. It was different and engaging. It really sucked me in & it was like I was there. Your characters were so well written that even the evil ones came to life. I felt every emotion you wrote about as if it was happening to me. You have a gift so keep writing.
I would love to read about the next generation. It could be fun. Thanks for your gift."

When I first started this book I was like OMG it seemed so real. I felt I was part of the scene. I started reading it and could not put it down. My emotions were all over the place. I would be crying one moment, laughing the next, angry the next. This was definitely an original story and you hooked me. I am surprised this book is not more recognized. It definitely if one of the best werewolf stories I have read.

APRIL 2022 comments that really made my day...

"Wow- i have been reading your books. I am surprised your books don't have more comments and votes. You draw us in with your vivid descriptions. I feel like I am in the middle of the scene. Some I am in tears. Some make me feel scared. Some I feel the pain and frustration of the characters.  I definitely feel you are underestimated. You definitely don't write the typical werewolf stories. They are originals and unique. Keep up the good"

Loved it Thank you

"When I started reading the book and saw flashbacks I thought oh no. One of those books where flashbacks are so blah and not needed. Yet, in this case it showed so much emotion. They helped the story seemed so much more real. Made you feel the emotions and build the character into a stronger she-wolf. You did not seem to hesitate hitting in a topic that real life victims actually go through. You made me feel anger and compassion toward future victims. Keep up the writing and I do hope to see you write a sequel to see what happens."

May 2022

"This story has really drawn me in and I don't want to do anything but keep reading.  This is really good."

"I have read many werewolf/paranormal books Yours is completely different which was nice. I couldn't put this book down as it had me captivated. I am now going to check out your other books."

June 2022

"Loved it totally different from other werewolf books 🥰🧡🧡"

"I truly love your books they're so captivating and your emotions are like a roller coaster keep up the good work"

October 2022
"Just finished reading "the shunned wolf fight back" I for one love your writing, it's definitely different from werewolf stories I read before. I just couldn't put it down... and I was working so believe me people were getting in my bad book today, cause they interrupted. Keep it up I'll definitely be waiting for your next story while I go read another book of yours. You're gifted keep it up.

December 2022
I read your story. When I saw flashbacks thought oh no flashback are never needed. They are filler and detract from the story. YOU PROVED ME WRONG. The way you used flashback brought tears to my eyes. They brought anger. These flashback brought your main character to life. You did not use a lot of unnecessary words to describe what happened to Jocelyn. I loved how she went from being a victim to being a savior for future generations. Your quote from
Einstein really was valid and tied in with the story.  Jocelyn made the world safer by doing something. Kudos and great job.
"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil,but because of those who look on and do nothing."
~quote from Albert Einstein

February 2023

I agree with all. I have really been enjoying your works.

Excellent story.

March 2023

When I first started reading this book I thought UGG a flashback. Next I was thinking why in the hell is she dreading to see the Alpha. Was the baby his? The more I read the more into it I became. I went to bed thinking I will read about 30 minutes, but next thing I knew it was 3:30 in the morning. I found myself wanting to know more other other characters. I wanted to know more about the pups. I saw you got the pups story on hold- please continue this storyline.

Wow-I really enjoyed your story. I am surprised to see no awards to it. You are definitely underestimated. You had me laughing, crying, angry, scared... my emotions were all over. You definitely put a new spin to the werewolf genre. I love it



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