Chapter 9 (revised 06/08/2023)

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Alpha Goliath stood there with all his glory staring at the fairies. He growls when Tianna stops talking. "Are you going to tell me?"

Tianna looks at him, "You know you don't scare me. I am debating whether to tell the big bad wolf or investigate it myself. You already are shunning her for something not her fault."

Alpha Goliath once again growls, "Fairies can be fu**ing annoying. My pack has never instigated that barbaric rule. We have had our girls put in counseling."

Tianna replies, "But you help another pack instigate and reinforce it."

Alpha Goliath growls, "It's reinforced to keep allies and her safe. If we are right about the fathers of her pups, she will not be safe. Why do you think we chose betas as her guards?"

Tianna sarcastically replies, "Because you will get more land."

"You don't know everything. You see, I already have had papers drawn up that if these pups are firstborn, they will get the property to come to me. It will be held in a trust. I will personally train them to oversee their pack. These three pups will be trained to take over their father's pack. Though it will depend on the pack how they get control."

Tundra asks, "What do you mean?"

"For example, my pack rank is passed on to my oldest male pups. Some packs pass it on to the oldest child, and sex doesn't matter. Other packs are passed on to the most potent fighter when the alpha is ready to retire. It varies from pack to pack.

I will be honest Alpha Solomon is not happy with my written legal notice. However, if they don't accept it makes them appear greedy and evil. Solomon is not either of those things, but like most Alphas, craves dominance."

"Then why didn't you crave the land?" Tianna snarking ask.

"I will soon have what I need, but that story is for another day," he replies. "Now we have the list of the eleven alphas-to-be and two alphas at the debate beside Solomon and me."

I look at him, "But there were only nine alphas to be."

"Debaters 2 and 4 are alphas."

"Oh, but debater 4 was a female, so she could not father the pups.

"I was on my way here when I got a message about intruders. I have a list with me that I wanted to review with you." He said, looking at me, and he looked at Tianna and added, "After your friend here tells me what packs have juniper and Granny Smiths' scents. That will save me from sending trackers out to find out—some of their scents. I know but not all.

Tianna sighs, "I will share, but only if you include me in the investigation."

Suddenly you see a gleam in his eyes, "I love to negotiate. Let us go to Jocelyn's cabin. He then turns and goes into the woods. He shouts to the other wolves, "Danson escorts them there while I get dressed. The rest of you patrol this area until my brother relieves you."

When we return, I look at Alpha Goliath as we sit down, "Sir, you were wrong."

Alpha Goliath gives me a puzzled look as he tries to think what he did that was wrong, "about?"

"You stated the father's pack. They are not these pups' fathers. They were only the sperm donors."

"I stand corrected." He then looks at the fairies, "Now, why should I let you in on the investigation?"

I call out, "Before the talks begin, let me state Alpha Solomon has bugged this place. I have found four bugs but don't know how to get rid of them."

Alpha Goliath's eyes turn black, "Solomon, that is low even for you. If you want to keep us as allies, you better remove them before my sweepers come in tomorrow. I saw the cameras outside, and those are safety measures. Let us take our talks back outside." He gets up and walks outside. We all follow. We sit down on various stumps or fallen logs. Then Alpha Goliath once again asks, "Whose packs have those smells? Why should we include you?"

The Shunned  Wolf Fights Back (Book 1) completeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant