"if you love me then you would try not to kill me every 5 fucking seconds" Cheong san pushed him against the wall. Gwi nam smiled.

"hm" he laughed.


They tied all the baskets together, agreeing to go on top due to debate thanks to Nam-ra. Unfortunately, they had lost Joon-yeong in the process, which surprisingly hurt Mi-Jin badly. It turned out she was more compassionate than first thought to be. Dae-su was the one who handled the lose the best but also the worst. He didn't say anything but deep down it tore him apart.

When they finally opened the door they were met with On-jo's dad.

"On-jo?" He stuttered, on-jo was relieved and happy and mad all at once, she was happy to see him but mad he didn't come sooner. She missed him badly and was relieved to be reunited with him.

Sadly, the happiness faded fast when they all urged them to start moving.

They ran through the tennis court and locked themselves in. Zombies surrounded all ends of the court, bashing their way through the door.

This time, they made it in.

For a moment, they all thought it was it for them, zombies coming from both ends of the gates. They were trapped.

Except, On-Jo's dad had brought flares with him, he waved them around to gain the zombies attention and threw it to the other end of the court, urging the kids to run while they were distracted.

Once they'd made it out the gate, he threw another flare and locked it back up with himself inside.

"dad?.." On-jo looked at him, worried.

"go" he urged, the zombies charged at him, he kept shouting to run as they watched him be eaten alive by hundreds of zombies. On-jo was reluctant and had to be dragged away by Su-hyeok.

They made it to a construction site which was where they decided stay for a bit. Walking in, there were no zombies, a relief. They walked up to the top floor, staying as quiet as possible not wanting to attract anything inside.

Su-hyeok led them, as they got to the far back room, he noticed someone's hair was sticking out from outside. He quickly moved out of site, taken aback but he soon built back the courage to look.

"stay here" he whispered.

He crept towards the unfinished window, slightly moved back the clear ish curtain and saw what shocked him more than seeing a zombie.

Gwi nam and Cheong san except they weren't fighting, they were kissing. He didn't say anything he just stared for a moment.

"what is it?" Mi-Jin shouted.

Gwi nam and Cheong san immediately stopped and looked up, fuck. This time he definitely saw.

Cheong san stood up, Gwi nam didnt. He wasn't worried, he had nothing to say to them. He wasn't their friend. He didn't owe them shit. He thought that Cheong san didn't either, he was wrong.

"what the fuck, Cheong san?" Su-hyeok looked stunned. Cheong san didn't say a word.

"Cheong san?" On-jo ran forward, pushing passed everyone, relieved. Cheong san was the only person she had left.

"what you haven't told them about me?" Gwi nam joked, in return he got a kick in the side from Cheong san. "alright, fuck" he held his side.

"what?" On-jo was confused. Very confused. "He's trying to kill you, why are you here with him?" Gwi nam looked back and forth from Cheong san and Su-hyeok and On-jo, entertained as he sat there in between them.

"Is this what you thought I meant?" Su-hyeok asked. He wasn't mad, but he wasn't happy either. "Is this what you were doing in the cupboard.

"Yes" Gwi nam laughed.

"shut up you stupid mother fucker" su-hyeok spat, lightly smacking the back of his head with his hand.

"what the fuck did you just do to me?" Gwi nam shot up. He grabbed Su-hyeok's wrist and twisted his arm, su-hyeok winced.

"Gwi nam" Cheong san shouted, he didn't want him to hurt his friends.

Gwi nam turned around, still holding on to his wrist. "Hm? don't sit there and tell me to get off him, want to protect him? then protect him. Fucking hit me" Cheong san didn't have to be told twice, he just pushed him off the scaffolding. It left Su-hyeok with a sore and sensitive wrist but at least not a broken one.

Cheong san knew Gwi nam wanted to be pushed but it was the only thing he could do. He didn't want to please him but he had to.

Now the part he was dreading.



Short ish but I guess it's an apology for lying abt last post 💪 but anyways enjoy :D



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