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I will fucking kill you


Gwi nam woke up after fighting cheong san. The light beaming in the library reflected off his skin. Dazed, Gwi nam saw the zombies and by instinct curled up on the desk and braced for impact yet, they didn't eat him again, they reacted to his whimpers but didn't do more than that.

He took the time to wrap his head around the situation. He stroked his face and winced in pain when he grazed his eye.

"Cheong san" he whispered to himself, Gwi nam talked to himself a lot. As if he was talking to a friend, a true friend.

He went straight to a cracked mirror and analysed his wound, "fucker" he let out a short, breathy laugh and picked up his knife. He swore to himself that he would take cheong san's eye, like he took his.


Cheong san didn't look back. He ran as fast as he could, holding the phone tightly.

After hearing on-jo and su-hyeok on the speaker, his smile beamed and relief glazed his eyes. When he reunited with them he felt safe and they decided to make their way to the rooftop for higher hopes of being rescued.

On the way, su-hyeok ran into Gwi nam, "you know where Cheong san is?" Gwi nam asked fairly politely. Su-hyeok just stared at Gwi nam in disbelief. Gwi nam sighed. "fine, hard way it is" they fought, bickering about how useless Gwi nam was which just made him blood thirsty. He wanted to kill su-hyeok. It would satisfy him but there was no point. Instead, when Nam-ra decided she was going to save her beloved su-hyeok, he bit her.

With that satisfaction, came consequence. Su-hyeok rugby tackled him out the window. Leaving him to gasp for air on the floor.


"ITS FUCKING LOCKED" Dae-su shouts while practically hanging off the door handle.

"Shit, try harder dae-su" Joon-yeong spat, Dae-su turned for a moment and smiled sarcastically. Joon-yeong rolled his eyes and tried to help.

"quick! Grab this" Nam-ra grabbed an old blue sheet and flew it off the railing with the help of on-jo and jimin. It held back the zombies.

Su-hyeok caught a glimpse of Gwi nam and alerted Cheong san. Cheong san without hesitation knew he had to leave, he couldn't let his friends get hurt by Gwi nam again and he knew Gwi nam was after the video. Even though he wasn't going to give it to him, he had to separate for the others safety.

Cheong san leaped through the sheet, falling onto Gwi nam when he landed. Surprisingly, this didn't alert the zombies as they were to busy chasing the noise of the door handle rattling.

He didn't waste a moment, Cheong san ran, "come catch me you bastard" Gwi nam did as he said and ran for him. Following him down the corridor and into a room. The music room.

The zombie under the piano was still there, shifting and hitting notes. Gwi nam chuckled softly, "you think you're so tough, chasing me away from your friends because you want to be the hero" Cheong san grabbed a wooden pole which had been snapped in half and had a sharp end.

"maybe if you didn't kill the head teacher, I wouldn't have to lead you away from my friends you piece of shit" Cheong san snarled. Gwi nam didnt reply.

He instead charged forward without hesitation and Cheong san stumbled back against the wall, dropping the wooden pole.

"not so tough now, huh" Gwi nam stabbed the knife into the wall beside Cheong san's head, his forearm just barely grazing his face. Cheong san put his head on the wall, trembling. He knew this was it.

"I don't have the phone, I lost it" Cheong san said, staring at the wall, he couldn't look at Gwi nam.

"fuck the phone," Gwi nam smiled sadistically. "I want your eye" he put the knife to his cheek and slowly ran it down his shaky body til he stopped at his stomach. He tilted his head as Cheong san as he slowly lowered his head. Every time Cheong san inhaled, the tip of the blade hit his stomach.

"now, look at me," Cheong san lifted his head, finally making eye contact with Gwi nam. He thought the best thing to do was to listen to what he said "see what you did you motherfucker, you will pay" he leaned closer to Cheong san, whispering into his ear, "I will gouge your fucking eye out"

Cheong san saw this as his chance to run, he head butted Gwi nam, making him drop the blade and grip his head in pain, and bolted as soon as he could.



this is rlly rushed and short bc I'm tired and desperately need sleep so hopefully the next one will be better but yeah I think I forgot some in between scenes from the actual show tho but anyway hope u liked it :D



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