Where Misery Is Disguised As Joy

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The most beautiful lies

Are those that contain what we want to hear.

With a pinch of truth and a cup of lies,

All shaped and moulded specifically for you,

Made with all the right ingredients.

And now you have something that looks so beautiful

But tastes so bitter and could burn your soul alive.

And the voices that lure you in,

With each step you take,

They laugh at the betrayal they caused.

It was a trick. Like magic. A lie.

And all the promises are in fact not promises at all

They vow nothing but to spread anguish and hate

And would step at every pawn in their game

And you listen.

You listen to the beautiful voice and beautiful words

You listen and you don't realise,

That nothing will make you happy

If you are an unhappy person.

There is no magic pill, magic trick, a shortcut

That makes life easier than what life is.

Because player's luck will only get you so far

To make life better than it is,

Requires effort, time and sweat

It requires asking for help, accepting vulnerability,

Admitting mistakes, accepting failures

Moving forward, self-reflection, learning

It requires patience,

It requires letting go of the past

And accepting the future,

To not be living in either or, but somewhere in between

In the present, your chance to decorate it.

Counting blessings, appreciating little things

Growing, exploring, dreaming

Letting our inner child to flourish.

And that is the journey,

It's where happiness lies, sometimes in disguise.

That is the garden where all the flowers bloom,

The crystal rivers, illuminating blue skies.

Whether you run, walk or crawl

The final destination is the same for everyone.

Everyone will be buried under the same Earth.

But there is someone you must be aware of.

He comes to you at day and night,

Promises you a beautiful world.

Makes water seem like fire and fire, like water.

Makes life seem like death and death, like life

Every word you hear will be words of hypocrisy,

He promises but a fantasy. Just simply a lie.

If you follow him you'll see,

What lies ahead is not a garden

Or a place of wishes coming true

But simply a shade of grass not greener than before,

So beware.

Be aware of misery disguised as joy.

Be aware of blinding your eyes

Be aware of the monster dressed up as an angel.

Beware of the voice that sings pretty lies.

A song. A tune. An enchanting melody.

He goes by the name of Joy,

But his heart calls him Misery.

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