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She looked at the mirror

Admiring the beauty she saw

Reflected from

The shiny glass, sparkling bright.

As time passed by she saw herself

growing more beautiful each day

And wanted it to remain that way.

But the mirror was merely a glass

Reflecting only the truth

Or maybe a distorted perception of truth

No matter who looked at it.

And with the ticking clock,

She no longer saw the beauty

She longed to see.

Instead, it reflected her guilt,

Her sins and all of whom she wronged.

Time passed by quickly.

So much so that it was hardly enough

To fix her mistakes nor repent.

It reflected her memories

Everything she now saw herself as and

One by one, they reminded her.

'Do not forget. Remember.'

Reminded her of her unpunished crimes

Her own mind abused and

Shot bullet like images to her soul.

'This is what you did. Remember.'

It screamed.

'Remember, remember, remember...'

Now the mirror is nothing but a shard

Shining with just as much life as it had before

And her wrongdoings more violently so.

Her life, her memories, her misdeeds

All was gone almost in an instant

And in the end all that was left

Were the broken pieces, left behind

Unsolved. Unfixed.

Lost too much to surrender.

And now, nothing left

To forget.

Nothing left to


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