Chapter 5. The Burning Flame Of Death Part 1 (Daily Life)

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After the trial, me and Rantaro tried to make Kokichi happy but all we did was in vain, nothing changed, he cried for minutes and almost hours. But what happened then? When the doors closed… What happened? When we manage to enter Kokichi's room again. He stopped crying, he didn't seem sad, just tired, and a few minutes later he fell asleep in Rantaro's hands. 

We couldn't have just left him so we took a blanket and we slept in his room. But the next morning when I woke up, I first checked on Kokichi. He was trembling. I woke up Rantaro and then tried to wake up Kokichi but to my surprise when I touched his body, he was cold. Even though he was under three blankets. 

Miu: "H-hey, Rantaro, check out on him."

Rantaro: "Hm?" 

Rantaro touched his arm and then touched his forehead. 

Rantaro: "His body is cold but his head is boiling. Kichi wake up."

Rantaro shook Kokichi a bit until he woke up. Kokichi got up but he fell back on his bed. 

Kokichi: "W-why is it so cold in here?" 

Miu: "Cold? It's pretty warm here."

Kokichi took one of the blankets and covered himself with it. He trembled. 

Rantaro: "Are you alright? Your face is all red."

I then realized it as well. Kokichi's face was all red. 

I sat down next to him and hugged him tight. 

Rantaro: "What the f*** are you doing?" 

Miu: "When people get cold, usually a tight hug warms them up!" 

Rantaro: "Really now?" 

Miu: "Come here and help me avocado!" 

Rantaro sighed and came to us hugging us as well. It felt as if Kokichi stopped trembling. 

Kokichi: "....."

Miu: "Are you any better?" 

Kokichi: "Zzzzzzz" 

Rantaro: "I think he fell asleep."

I let him down slowly and covered him up. 

Poor Kokichi, he doesn't look well at all. 

Rantaro: "I don't know about you but I'm hungry. I'll head to the dining hall to get some food. Want some?" 

Miu: "Ummm, no I'm not hungry yet. But bring Kokichi something, like hot soup or something!" 

Rantaro: "Don't worry, I know what to do."

Rantaro left the room. While I looked back at Kokichi. 

And it's been 6 hours, Rantaro came back. But he left again due to the new area being unlocked, so he went to investigate it. But I was far too worried for Kokichi. He woke up later and ate the soup but he then went back to sleep. After everyone explored the new area they came to check on Kokichi. They told me to go eat something or do something else but I couldn't do it. 'What if something bad happens to him while I leave?' Is the same answer I give them when they want me to leave. 

Rantaro checked his temperature and it seemed he checked his body as well. Shuichi entered the room. 

Shuichi: "So how's my little sunshine doing?" 

Kaede: "Still sleeping. Where have you been anyway?" 

Shuichi: "My lab with a trash bag!" 

Korekiyo: "Could you stop talking s*** about me every second?" 

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