Chapter 1 Resonality withount sense part 3 (Class trial)

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Monokuma: "Now then let's start with a short explanation of the class trial!"

Monophanie: "Daddy, daddy, can we say the rules? Please, pleeeease!"

Monokuma: "Of course, my lil kubs!"

Monokid: "I'll be the first! So one of you bastards killed Angie!"

Monotaro: "And during the class trial you need to find the..... ummmm."

Monophanie: "You need to find the culprit! If you successfully vote for the culprit, the culprit alone will be punished!"

Monosuke: "But if you vote incorrectly, the culprit will escape this academy, and everyone besides the culprit will get punished!"

Monodam:" The-Punishment-Refers-To-Hanging-Burning-Stabbing-Drowning-Eaten-Alive-Falling-Tortures-Electric-Chair-And-So-On"

Monokuma: "I'm so proud of you my kubs! I think I'm gonna cry!"

Kokichi: "....."

Kaede: ".....So what now?"

Miu: "I don't know, we should start a conversation or something."

Ryoma: "Does anyone have any suspicions?"

Kirumi: "Well we have a cause of death, and a time of death, what should we discuss?"

Himiko: "The chest wound is just too suspicious to forget."

Shuichi: "True, how exactly was the wound done?"

Keebo: "Didn't you say that it might be used another weapon for the murder?"

Himiko: "It's true, but what other weapon could be used?"

Rantaro: "A weapon that has a similar look to a dagger, the only thing I can have is a knife."

Kirumi: "A knife? Maybe a kitchen knife? Or is it a place where we could have other knives?"

Shuichi: "No, the kitchen is the only place with such things."

Maki: "I have an impression that a knife is too fishy. Maybe we should rethink it!"

Kaito: "If there's anyone that can prove, it wasn't used, maybe we can rethink."

Shuichi: "If there was someone, they would have spoken until now."

Miu: "No one was in the kitchen this morning? I'm just thinking a bit."

Kokichi: "!"

Kokichi: "(Something seems odd)"

Himiko: "Hey did you notice anything?"

Kokichi: "Oh, umm a bit. What Miu said seems wrong."

Himiko: "Is that so?"

Kokichi: "I don't know, I might be-"


Everyone looked over Himiko.

Kaito: "What is it?"

Himiko: "My friend Kichi, over here! He thinks that Miu's wrong!"

Kokichi: "I don't like talking in public."

Keebo: "Don't be shy! This place is just like school! You stay in one place, say something and escape death, it's literally the same place!"

Kokichi:" Well Miu said that no one was in the kitchen, but Tsumugi was there. She can tell us if there were any missing knives."

Shuichi: "True, well Tsumugi?"

Tsumugi: "Sorry, it happened a while ago, I totally forgot about the fact I was in there. But now that I'm thinking, hmmmm ....Oh right! There are a total of 6 knives and none of them were missing this morning."

Danganronpa Doomful mistakeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora