Chapter 6 - In Love

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My body started shaking and it felt like there were a thousand butterflies in my stomach, hiding behind Josie and Rafael.
"I'M HOMEEEE" Rafael shouted causing a slight flinch followed by loud glass shattering noise and people coming to what I assume is the main hallway as there stood a big staircase in the middle straight ahead.

"JOSIEEEEEE" shrieked someone, who I assumed to be one of the twins as he looked younger than the other guys that were surrounding Rafael and identical to one of them. As they were all exchanging greetings, I just stood there awkwardly staring at my feet.
Someone touches my shoulder and by reflex I pin their arm behind their back. He looks taken aback, not only by my reaction but generally because of me.


ADONIS POV (oldest brother)

"I'M HOMEEEE" Rafael's voice echoes through the house followed by a glass shattering noise which I assume is one of these idiots breaking something mum will be mad about, and the footsteps of my younger siblings making their way downstairs. When we are all downstairs Emilio shrieks "JOSIEEEEEE" as she is like a sister for us. Whilst we are exchanging greetings and hugs I notice a presence behind the two.

Specifically a girl. Before there is time for me to make my way over to her, she swiftly manages to pin Gabriel's hand behind his back. As they make eye contact Gabriel looks shaken up but not because of her pinning his arm behind his back. Making my way closer to the two which have attracted all the attention in the room I start to notice why the unknown girl has left my younger brother in a state of shock.

She is Gabriel's female version.

"Is that a girl behind you guys, oh my god you had kids and didn't tell us" Emilio chirps causing groans and a slap come his way, as well as a really quiet giggle from said girl. "I am really sorry about pining your arm, hope it wasn't too hard. It was a reflex." She looks at Gabe apologetically but he seems to be lost in thought.

"Okay so I guess we have some explaining to do" Raf says and looks at Jo as well as the girl, "Oi don't look at me, who is we don't involve me." Jo says and flips her hair "Yeah and also, the explaining is all you. I am just a harmless little innocent child that got dragged into this."

The girl says causing amusement in the eyes of all of my brothers and to be honest me too but I'm sure she can't see it. Rafael scoffs at the laters remark and roll his eyes "Child my ass, you are nearly 17 for God's sake and you came willingly" to which Jo adds "Yeah and done try to play the innocent card we both know you aren't" which causes her to get elbowed and Rafael to look at her suspiciously.

"Okay before you continue this little conversation you guys are having could we make introductions so maybe we can also take part in the conversation." I express in my least authoritative and scary voice.

"Oh yeah, right that is kind of the main reason we came here" the girl agreed before she continued " Starting by my name, I am Yvonne" as that name left her lips, everything started to slow down and all of my brother's must have shared my pained look due to the significance of the name.
"BULLSHIT" Hector exclaimed before storming out, clearly distressed. I expected for Emilio to follow his twin out, however he didn't budge and his face held that look it had held 13 years ago when our mother's heart wrenching scream echoed through the house as our sister was nowhere to be found.

"Maybe , we should take a seat for this talk" Y-Yvonne proposed and so we did. As we made our way to the living room, a teary eyed Hector was sitting on the floor next to one of the sofas but that meant he wanted our presence around him but to basically be left alone.

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