Chapter 3 - Cyra?

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There's no way she's here it can't be.

"Cyra?" the name left my lips which were now trembling as a tear left my eye, getting up I pull out the tubes sticking in my arm without thinking, I go and hug her immediately. She was and still is my only escape the only way I can make it until 18, at least. She hugs me back but her eyes remain focused on HIM. Milton Lekka the man I loathed with all my being. Suddenly Josie and Rafael rush into the room, looking relieved as they see me standing up. Before getting mad and lecturing me about ripping off the tubes which cause my arm to bleed. Cyra moves close to him, when he is distracted and seems to threaten him before injecting him with something and leaving me with these two lecturing me. Cyra re assured me im safe by telling me next time I see him will be only if I want to so I can take my revenge. Good time to mention that killing is my specialty, however even though I'm really known due to the reason of Milton there was never a chance to take jobs away so the only work I did was locally.
"It has been hard to keep up with you and find you I must admit" Cyra tells me which just confuses me "Lol ,what do you mean I haven't done anything lately" at that her face pales
"So who have I been following and why are they pretending to be you?"

"Well i don't know, ever since Blue my mind was wandering and my energy was zero so nothing has happened"

"Ooh, Blue? You never told me much about Blue!"

"Shut up, bigger issues ,who will be my guardian now since you did something to my excuse of a guardian"

"Oh well your family"

"Cy stop you know they are dead, he killed them cause he hated them, this fucker. He always said that my mother should have never been with my father, that he was supposed to be my father, so he killed them"

"No he didn't Von Von!"

"First of all wtf don't call me that second what do you mean?"

"Where's your ring, the one you always had with you?"

"Oh I didn't notice I must have lost it during the explosion"

"Ciu ciu let's ask the nurses"

"Why it was just a ring , and also I hate when you say ciu ciu"

"Oh taci,ce știi tu?" ( Oh shut up what do you know?)

"Don't tell me to shush, rude"

Ignoring me she runs to find someone and bumps into Josie in the hall resulting in both of them falling down, and unable to control myself I burst into laughter and Raf seems to join me as he turns around trying not to laugh as Josie and Cy are eyeing him in such a way that if looks could kill he'd be dead.



Finally found her, let's be honest she didn't make it easy going from country to country, continent to continent. Or so I thought, the copy cat situation is really suspicious. However now it is time to reconnect with some people and possibly make some alliances. If only the ring is found. The nurse that bumped into me who I now know is named Josie, is trying to help me find everything. Kinda suspicious as she just agreed to help me without even questioning the importance of the ring. Which my overthinking brain didn't like making me ask her.
"Yeah?" she answered as if she was waiting for me to finally ask her. "Why are you helping me? You surely must have more important things to do, like I dont know, maybe your job." SHIT. That came out too harsh. She just giggled causing me confusion, but answered before I was able to ask her what was so funny. "You want to help your friend and what you want may be the answer we are looking for and no I don't have to do my job cuz its my break and shush I know how you meant it" . Blankly staring at her, exactly what I was doing,just staring at her like how did she know and who's we? "Huh? Who's we? Ho-how did you know? Can you catch me up?" My dumbfounded face made her laugh again. "So ,how are you sure the ring will be the answer we are looking for?" She spoke again "Shit" she murmured making me realise she spoke about the ring. "Okay now how the fuck do you know its a ring?" She shrugged at my remark before looking down "Yvonne said you wanted to find a ring she had since she was young, and thinking back that ring could prove two theories." the room fell silent and then Josie spoke again "Yours and mine".

So this chapter was shorter than the previous ones I will try to make them all a bit longer but sometimes it will vary. Thanks a lot for reading my story see you next time!

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