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You guys when I'm free:

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You guys when I'm sleep deprived af, have an exam in 3 minutes, currently going through 7 existential crises at the same time, and surviving on 1 oreo:

Check your 2145 notifications.


My mom's been trying to get me to eat healthy.

I just drank something that's supposed to be a mixture of beetroot, ginger, spinach, mint, carrots, coriander, gooseberries and something indescribable and-

I don't know if I'm alive or not.


You walk into your house and see Gabriel, Lila and Felix there.

What do you say? Reply in 3 words or less.


School math equations be like, 'Jason brought 109 watermelons and 156 lemons and travelled in his car at the speed of 45 km/h. Meowth is the name of his cat and Jessica is its lover. What's the density of the sun?'

Like, dude, decide what chapter y'all teaching ffs-


The best and the worst mlb headcanon/theory you've ever heard:


Grammarly correcting unnecessary things like getting rid of the 'actually'

Grammarly blissfully ignoring when my keyboard autocorrects 'meditating' to 'menstruating'


No bc that fr happened to me, my best friend randomly texts me, 'bro menstruating is so relaxing'

I'm just sitting there like what the fuck.


Chat: What if people had food names and food had people names?

Rena to Carapace: Hey Spaghetti, it's time for dinner.

Carapace: What are we having for dinner?

Viperion: Ladybug.

Queen Bee: Why do I even hang out with you guys?

Chat: Shut up, Potato.

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