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You ever just look at a fish and wonder

What if it wore a swimsuit?

No seriously,


What if the fish's flesh is actually a bodysuit, and not its real skin-

So when she swims around the entire day and returns home to rest, where she is alone and there are no people to judge her

She just, unzips her fish bodysuit to embrace her true form.

She was actually a rat.


I know you might be thinking:

What the fuck did I just read?

But no, this was a real-life conversation between me and my sister.


Nothing beats the feeling of happiness you get when you drop your oreo but it ends up on your thigh, so technically, it's still clean and you can eat it.


I stayed up for 3 hours last night making a Gray Fullbuster edit (that man's so fucking pretty I can't) because what's sleep anyway.


[Superhero dorms at 3 am]

Chat, whispering: M'lady,

Chat: Ladybug, wake up.

Ladybug, annoyed: What is it, Chat?



Chat: When butterflies fall in love, do they feel humans in their stomach?


Ladybug: Chat, what the fuck.


Y'all interested in more Superhero Dorm AU headcanons?


Let me apologise in advance for the next 10 days because I got my term exams going on, so I might not be able to publish proper chapters.

Rest assured, I will publish something tho, so yea.

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