Taking Care

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Days went by fast, Mina was now at home though not being okay she decided to discharge herself from the hospital since staying at hospital was somewhat making her more sick than usual. It was also from this She and Chaeyoung maintained a safe distance from each other mostly Mina now.

It's not like they had completely stopped talking, they did talk or had normal conversations but more like how "friends" do. They both would be lying if they said their hearts still didn't beat for each other. However Mina always let it slide thinking about Wonwoo. Wonwoo has been taking care of her from the time she was discharged from the hospital. She saw how sincere Wonwoo was and she somehow wanted to move on and give him a chance and give herself a chance to feel for someone else. Their marriage was postponed since Mina wanted some time which Wonwoo gladly obliged.

About Eunwoo and Chaeyoung, their vacation was put on hold. Eunwoo was staying with his parents while Chaeyoung was staying with Wonwoo and Mina to take care of Mina and moreover she was a doctor so to have a doctor near them sounded more convenient than having a doctor visiting them everyday. Eunwoo always video called Chaeyoung making sure to let Chaeyoung know that he is having a good time because the latter always felt bad for not being with him. He didn't want her to feel bad most of all he didn't want her to feel bad thinking that she could not spend time with him because she's doing her job i.e taking care of someone important to her. So he makes sure to send her pictures and videos of him enjoying his vacation even without her. The most of you who didn't know Eunwoo actually met Mina  when she was still in the hospital. He got to know about everything from a source or mostly say Jimin..


Eunwoo and Mina's conversation in the hospital

- hi noona, how are you doing?

Mina rubbed her eyes to see who it was and she got to know who it was she just gave him a smile..

- Eunwoo-ssi, what are you doing this late? Aren't you supposed to be at home? Does Chaeyoung know about it?

- hmm...my question got ignored but I don't mind it. Well I came here to visit you noona. I got to know about the incident so I came to check on you. And No Chaeyoung doesn't know that I'm here and I don't want you to tell her that I was here. I want this to be our secret. Promise? You won't tell her?

Eunwoo said with his not so quiet voice though trying his best. Mina let out a silent laugh looking at the cuteness of the boy.

- okay I promise but if you speak this loud then I'm sure someone will surely catch us..

- oops sorry... Mianhe.. btw noona I came here to ask you something.

- hmm..go on

- you know everything now right? About Chaeyoung and everything?

With that Mina's smile turned into a frown.

- I know everything so you don't have to hold yourself back. Mina noona, are you willing to be back with her?  About Wonwoo, you don't have to worry I'll tell him and make him understand the whole situation. And about me you don't really have to worry. My sole purpose to come here was to make Chaeyoung and you to be together back again. Noona, if you are real...

- no Eunwoo, we're not getting back anymore.

- huh? But you know the truth now right? Chaeyoung still loves you noona.

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