Part 7: The end of the beginning

Start from the beginning

"That sucked!" Jace complained as they sat at lunch. 

"Professor Bell must hate us! My cards had feet and started running across the table."Lily and Lola hid their laughs behind their hands. 

Christian patted Jace's shoulder. "Don't worry, dude, mine blew up when I tried to change it back." Lily and Lola couldn't hide it anymore. 

After lunch, they had History of Magic, which was what everyone was dreading. For an hour, they all had to sit in silence and answer a thousand questions on thingsfound necessary. Things like the Self-Stirring Cauldron, Magic Carpets, and who made the first broom. Lily rushed through it, and then when she found she had just sat there, she started going over her answers but found no mistake to fix. So she started to make her quill float around the paper. Then for fun, she tried to maher bottle float. She got it to float, but for only a few seconds before it sloshed back into the bottle. 

"I hate history!" Lola seethed. 

They were leaving the classroom and making their way through the crowd.

 "What happened?" Lily asked.

 Lola had never complained about it before."I had a complete blank!" she groaned. 

"Like all of that studying flew away!"Jace laughed.

 "Don't worry. I didn't do much better. I left a lot of them blank."Lily rolled her eyes at Jace. 

"I'll be surprised if you pass to the second year." 

 Jace laughed. "Second time's the charm."Lola scoffed. 

"That's the third time, moron."

 Next was Charms, and as the past weeks had shown, the exam was easy. All you had to do was make a vase float around the room. Lily ended up having fun withbook float as well and making a quill write on a piece of parchment. Professor Flitwick had laughed with her and exclaimed about how she was going to be an excellent student for her whole school career. 

Defense Against the Dark Arts was their last exam before dinner. Lily found this one to be fun too. Professor Creevey had things float around you, and you had to rea Knockback Jinx. 

All that was left was Astronomy, and then they would be done.When the exams were done, and they all went to dinner, Jace practically danced as they walked.

 "I can't believe that it's almost finally over!" he cheered. "All is right in the world!"

 "You are such a drama queen," Lola mocked. 

Jace ignored her. It seemed nothing could put a damper on his mood.

 "I can finally eat and not feel like I'm swallowing rocks or something!" 

The three sat down at the Slytherin table, and immediately started to eat, relieved that the stress of the exams was lifted. Everyone was more relaxed, except for the seventh year who still had another day of exams.

 "I am not looking forward to that," Jace muttered. 

Later that night before bed, the first years took their Astronomy exam. Lily found this one boring. All they did was name constellations and moons. It was a dull hour. But matter how dull it was, every first-year had a good sleep that night.


 The time leading up to getting back their results was met with a quiet week. There were no fights, not even between Gryffindor and Slytherin. A few times Lily hadto hang out with Louis. She usually brought Lola and Jace with her, and Louis never seemed to mind. He got along great with them, and he would sometimes friend Paul Bradley. 

Slytherin's Potter ( Scorpius Malfoy x Lily Luna Potter)Where stories live. Discover now