( Reputations and Suspicions )

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Todoroki replied with nothing more than a nod of his head. The suggestion was definitely uncalled for in Kirishima's mind. He said it with such a straight face-- as if it doesn't bother him in the slightest. No rational person would simply suggest that, did he even have the slightest bit of decency in that tough brain of his? At the same time, it suggested to show how much he cares for you. Kirishima didn't doubt that Todoroki wouldn't mind entering a woman's sanitary sanction for you.

Yes, Todoroki wouldn't mind. He wasn't teasing him just for the hell of it, either-- more like testing the male's capabilities. If the he was in Kirishima's shoes, he knew he'd go in without any questions asked. It bugged him how Kirishima was being so reluctant. You don't deserve someone like that; you deserve him.

"Yeah. Of course. You're her boyfriend after all." Todoroki would reply. There was no second sight required, nor even any form of readjustment to notice the mockery in his tone. Kirishima thought he was mocking him- ridiculing him and his reaffirmation earlier declaring your couple status. And although admitting that did interest Todoroki, he didn't do so to avoid complicating his plans.

"Fine, I'll go in. It'll be a quick peek though." With his decidedness came the psychopath's discreet smile. If this kept up, he'd end up laughing aloud at some rate. Kirishima had approached the women's bathroom door, and when he entered it Todoroki had glanced towards his watch around his wrist. He was killing two birds with one stone;

Executing this idea, and...

Todoroki received a tap on his shoulder after seconds of standing there, and upon turning around his phone was extended into his reach by some teenage stranger who snickered casually. "Hey, here's your phone back. I got a pretty good angle of him." The young stranger had lifted his index finger and closed his eyes, the aura that surrounds him was quite mischievous and playful, so it was no wonder why Todoroki picked him out of the crowd. "You've got a good prank goin' on, I really look up to that. I'm glad I could partake in it, at least."

Todoroki looked down at his phone, swiping through the photos he's taken for him while the random highschooler kept going on and on about pranking people. It was safe to say that he tuned him out so he could stare at the results of the task assigned. There were multiple pictures, all of which focused on Kirishima entering the women's bathroom. 

Destroying Kirishima's reputation.

He pushed his device into his pocket, and looked towards where that redhead came from last, ultimately dismissing the other male with no words exchanged. He had no time to waste on a talkative pawn. The young man ended up leaving since he was ignored, sulking in the distance. In good timing, too-- just in time for Kirishima's return. Kirishima quickly rushed out, scoring Todoroki's approach with ease. 

"Did you find her?" He asked. Naturally he assumed what his answer would be, and judging from his look of disappointment he knew it was a fat no. They should seriously stay calm in moments like these, but ... Who knows where you were. It was concerning both men deeply. Kirishima took out his phone again, about to call you one more time while they kept on walking around the plaza.

Yet, you didn't answer as he'd been immediately redirected to a voicemail. Because of it, the redhead sighed and lowered his phone from his ear. Interestingly enough, while he'd done so he could clearly see two people exiting from a shopping store, happily chatting away without a care in the world. Green and frisky hair that was typically very unkempt, a freckled face, and emerald green eyes. And walking with him was a young lady with familiar [E/C] eyes, as well as [H/L], [H/C] hair.

"[Y/N]!!" Shouted Kirishima, who ran up to you with worrisome, hasty feet. By the time you could really comprehend anything, your face and nostrils were smothered by his solid chest. "You had us so worried! Where the heck were you this whole time??!" Clearly, you were about to receive quite the scolding.

You lifted your hands and then pried yourself away from your lover hugging you constrainedly, with Midoriya beside you ultimately perplexed. He questioned the situation with his eyes, however when he had recalled your side of the story, the young man would declare it without the slightest difficulty. 

"Oh yeah, you guys were looking for [Y/N], right? Well I had found her wandering around with someone's lost children. They were twins and didn't know where their father was." Said Midoriya while you were breathing in exasperated breaths. "I offered to help her when I ran into her.. and luckily enough, we got them to him safely."

As he was discussing these news, Todoroki was approaching and got a good idea of the important details. He was very relieved to see that you were safe and in one piece.. he'd been too anxious regarding your whereabouts earlier. Not knowing what to say, the male looked at you as Kirishima confirmed your state with his eyes.

He squeezed your cheeks, pinching them tightly-- all of that pent up worry was released in a sporadic scolding. "This entire time me and Todoroki were convinced that something terrible had happened!! Next time, stay close to me alright?"

You expected that much, at least. His pinches were hurting you—however you were aware that you're the one who got yourself in that predicament. So, in simpler terms; it was your fault. You had your hands on Kirishima's, trying to pry his clasped fingers off of your skin. "Okay, okay!! I- I get it, Eijiro!"

Kirishima looked over at Midoriya after his intense glare towards you vanished, his pinching still remaining while you were groaning with your eyes pulled shut in pain. "Hey, hold on a second.. weren't you supposed to be with Uraraka? What'are you doin' wandering with [Y/N]?" When Todoroki had also looked at him, he noticed an unusual reaction hidden behind the hero's explanation.

"Oh-! That's.. because she went ahead to the food court! She told me that I didn't have to tag along since I wasn't hungry. Normally she and I would eat together, but today was different," He started chuckling timidly while rubbing the back of his head frantically, all while his green eyes were leading away from the skeptic eyes of you three. "No need to worry though!!"

You were staring for quite a while, before lifting up your hand to conceal your smug lips carved into an amused smile. "Oh~? Lemme guess; you found all of her fanfics and other lewdy stuff, didn't you?" Snickering afterwards, you were gifted by another dreadful pinching session with Kirishima—and as you cried out loud, Midoriya on the other hand shook his head in abrupt fluster.

"I-I was only telling the facts, that's all!!"

"Hey!! U-Uraraka's really not like that at all, [L/N]!"

Todoroki started staring at Midoriya with quite a serious look. He knew him well, and he's never been reported to be a person who constantly lies... Yet for some reason—Todoroki felt this instinctive distrust. He glanced to Kirishima, and then the young hero who was defending Uraraka's reputation.

It was safe to say he had felt this sickening knot in his stomach.. it's as if his body could read the future, whereas he couldn't. '[L/N] gives them so much attention, and here I am.. not even getting a single glance from her..' Todoroki narrowed his dull eyes toward the ground, 'Am I being too needy?'

He assumed that's what it was, I mean if he hadn't... then he was certain he would only break himself. Facing himself with delusions were necessary...

Especially if he was going to carry out this plan of his.

[Chapter END]

The DEMON within him. [Yandere! Shoto Todoroki X Reader]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu