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There is a certain elegance, in annihilation

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There is a certain elegance, in annihilation.

The two war beasts turned on the Cosmic Jhin with newfound rage. Their eyes glowed with an ominous green light, the monster training their gaze onto the infamous serial killer. Both creatures dove towards him, but one was met with the connection of Umbra's body slamming into it with such force it was knocked to the ground.

"Jhin run you idiot, they're locked on to you!" Cree called out, holding onto a large chunk of Umbra's fur. He moved with the beast's body, the feeling reminding him of what it was like to ride a bull.

Umbra's jaws snapped over the side of the mechanical beast's throat, desperately he pulled at the metal, attempting to expose its throat. A piece of its armor ripped from its flesh, a nasty scream bellowing out and shaking the floor of the arena. 

Cosmic and Angel made a bit of a run for it, Angel shoving him along more or less, since he was too heavy for her to carry. Without her second form, it would be nearly impossible to take the creature on in combat, but she had to try.

Whisper and Jhada Khin were amused with the scene, but Jhada wanted his own spotlight and decided to solve their little problem for them. A nasty 8th shot slammed into the war beast that was chasing Jhin, it traveling up the beast's spine, and then into it's head. The shot was critical, hitting with extra power from Jhada's version the virtuoso's  infamous gun.

The war beast dropped immediately, it's body colliding with the dirt and stopping all movement. Raxen got to his feet, unsure as to why the clone had slayed the beast. Not to mention it had been done with such efficiency, he almost had to hide a smile. They truly were such brilliant works of his own art.

"Now that that's out of the way. We reserve the rights to demanding an even fight." Jhada Khin said, the sniper resting behind him on his shoulder. "I don't like it when things... get in my way."

Whisper flared out her wings, landing beside her lover as she healed from Cosmic's shot earlier. She drew in red energy, and clapped her hands together. The red light coming from her helm and Jhada's eyes, grew brighter, their connection deeper now.

Cosmic checked his sniper, over, it having all four bullets ready. Angel stood in front of him, her wings slightly flared outwards, her expression nervous yet determined.

"I suppose a nervous jab or 'FOUR' is apropos in these moments." Cosmic said with a smirk, his gun pointed towards his demonic imposter.

"Haha, you truly are a strange beast." Jhada replied, his sniper over Cosmic now.

The two angels were the first of their group to engage, with Whisper firing a red blast of energy towards Cosmic, which was blocked by Jhin's guardian. She glided into the air, then collided with Whisper, the two females slashing at each other, and firing red and yellow beams of light towards one another. Whenever the light didn't connect with their bodies however, it blazed on into the arena walls, hitting the energy forcefield that protected Raxen and their small audience. A few of the blasts hit the dirt, kicking up dust as they tangled through the air.

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