in love with a human

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I sat on the bed, as my detached arms hopped around, sometimes knocking into my detached legs. I hummed a soft tune under my breath as I waited for her arrival. The satisfied devil on my shoulder was praising me for my little scene earlier of intentionally falling into the werewolf pups' trap.
Though it did make my patches go a little too worn out and the stitching go loose, it was worth it.

I should give those savages a treat later. Something that's hopefully not on my body.

My mind wandered off to her, the human doctor who's probably gotten very tired of having to treat me everyday, but I'll never be tired of seeing her. The way her flawless face would display her disappointment, like an artwork from a museum that people would pay an arm and a leg just to have a quick glimpse of it. I know it's not something to be proud of, being the one to cause that expression, but I'd rather have her looking at me like that all the time than have her not look at me at all.

The door opened, revealing her, standing in that simple yet attractive white coat. I've seen zombie nurses and vampire doctors wear the same coat, but none of them have ever made it look so good before.

" Hello again, my lovely human." I smirked triumphantly, wriggling a brow, " I can see that you're happy to see me too."

" Oh please, frankenstein, I'm delighted." her vibrant lips curling into a mocking smile. Something about the word 'frankenstein', though it has been thrown at me many times by others, it felt special when it came out of her mouth. Like it was the perfect word to roll off her tongue.

I chuckled at her little sarcastic remark, trying to sit up, which I failed with the absence of my arms. She pushed me back, " Don't move.", her eyes narrowed. She then proceeded to sew on my legs, carefully aligning my legs to my thighs.

" Now what did you do to get this?" she said, all her attention fixed on the needle threading through my skin. Maybe it's the way she looked so effortlessly stunning, or maybe it's the way she was so focused on aiding me, for my heart was melting inside. I felt the soft fluttering of butterflies tickle my stomach as I took in all her sharp features.

" I'm glad you asked, doctor. I was going about my day, you know, doing my thing, then suddenly my heart said " hey, I wonder how's my lovely human doing?" and then BAAM! I tripped, got knocked over by a bus, chased by ferocious beasts and now I'm here." I might've exaggerated a little but I know that my 'getting injured stories' are one of the many things that fascinates her.

" Hmm let's see," she pretended to think, then sticking out her fingers as she listed, "so you tripped, walked into a trap set by werewolf pups for game, and got bit by them. Sounds legit.". Darn her and her attractive way of seeing through me. " Hey! My dismemberment, my story."

She only let out a soft laugh, turning back to my leg. I'm in love with her, truly, deeply and madly in love with her. She's like fireworks, bright, warm and always catching my attention by surprise.

The devil on my shoulder gave me a sudden idea, making a light smirk tug on my lips.

" Ah!" I yelped, putting on a pained expression. One of my detached arms jolt up, hopping closer to me. She stopped immediately, eyes flickering with worry. " What's wrong?"

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