gun and rings

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I took my seat at one of the back rows, far away from the altar. The ceremony was about to start, other guests settling down in the rows in front of me. I eyed the groom standing at the altar, hatred bubbling up in the pits of my stomach.

That day when she broke the news about her getting betrothed to some douchebag because of her parents, I felt like my whole world was gone beneath my feet. I remember it so clearly like it was a yesterday. I remember the pain she had in her heart, and her sparkly eyes filled with crystal tears, streaming down her cheeks. It shattered my heart.

How can they do this? They knew very well that we were happy together, yet they still sold their daughter off for their selfish needs. Have they no heart?

I wasn't going to let them get away with this of course.

I leaned back into my seat, disgust evident on my face as I watched the guests, along with her parents, throw celebratory smiles at each other. The words I heard angered me even more.

" We just know that she's going to be so happy with you!"

She's not going to be happy with him, heck she was not even happy when she first met him. She's already happy with me.

" Ah yes! And the money we'll make once the partnership is finalised, I'll be sure to share them with you son!"

That's it. My hand made its way into one of the pockets in my blazer, my fingertips brushed on the metal, tempting me even more. Until the atmosphere quieted down and I immediately retracted my hand.

Everyone gazed down the aisle as the one they've all been waiting for walked down.

She looked so breathtaking in the white dress, as she held onto her bouquet tightly. My heart softened at this sight. I've always fantasised about the day I'd see her in a wedding dress, walking down the aisle to me as we'd tie the knot with no regrets. It crushed me that some other man was living my fantasy.

She looked so beautiful, but the way her emotionless eyes stared at the ground didn't go unnoticed by me.

She stood there in front of him, unable to imitate the joy he had on his face. I noticed something else about his expression. It was a devious one, and I could see right through that shallow brain of his, knowing very well the dirty tricks he was going to play on my girl.

I balled my fists, nails digging deep into my skin.

The two said their vows, but of course, she said them monotonously , without looking at her groom. Don't worry love, it'll be over soon.

" Should anyone here know that this couple should not be joined, speak now or forever hold your peace."

Ah yes, I've been waiting for that line. I smirked, holding up my hand as I stood up.

" I object," I saw her eyes start to glow with their usual spark, " I'm afraid they can't be joined...

if one of them is dead."

I reached into my pocket, swiftly pulling out the revolver. Ready, aim!


The bullet hit his chest, sending him falling back onto the ground, cold bloody and dead. Screams were soon heard as everybody started to panic, rushing out of the area. I couldn't be bothered by the stampede of guests brushing past me, and the irritating screams piercing my ears. I had one more job to do.

My eyes were set on my targets. They were scrambling to their daughter, with nothing bite pure horror and fear illuminating in their eyes. They stumbled behind her, as though using her as a shield to protect them.

" C-come on h-honey..tell your b-boyfriend to let us go!"

I stared at them, annoyed. So now I'm her boyfriend. My grip on the revolver tightened as I raised my arm, ready to shoot. That is, until she came to my side, perfectly calm with a warm smile.
She put down my arm, making me relax into her touch.

" Come on love," her smooth voice made goosebumps rise as my heart fluttered, " don't hurt them." Her parents seemed to have relaxed after seeing how their daughter has managed to tame the monster, how stupid.

" Let me do it."

Her parents froze as she took out a small pistol hidden in her bouquet. She smirked, pulling the trigger.


Their blood splattered onto our clothes. I then grabbed her hand and lead her to the car, driving off to somewhere far away from here.

We stopped at an empty highway and got out of the car for some fresh air. The sky had a beautiful mix of orange and yellow, and the breeze brushed onto my skin.

She looked out at the sunset as her face glowed, highlighting her soft features. I slipped my hand into hers, intertwining our fingers, like matching a puzzle piece to its rightful place. Her lips slowly formed a relaxed smile, heading resting on my shoulder, as if she's finally found peace. This comforted my heart.

I turned to face her, holding onto her face, caressing it softly. I leaned in, giving her a deep heartfelt kiss, pouring out all my feelings of relief, happiness, and love. Her soft lips moved with mine, reciprocating my feelings.

We pulled away, resting our foreheads against each other's. I slowly brought up her hand to my lips, pressing a kiss on her knuckle. Her eyes then fell onto a piece of shiny silver, that wasn't there before, hugging her ring finger. She gasped softly, looking at me with hopeful eyes. I smiled, holding onto her hands, and got down on one knee.

" I know this isn't really the best time to ask but, after all that we've been through, I want to continue being by your side forever, will you marry me?"

" Yes!" she wrapped her arms around me, pulling into a warm embrace. My heart raced as I leaned in deeper into her embrace, holding onto her tightly. After a long day, nothing feels better than being in the arms of the person you call home.

𝐖𝐈𝐋𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz