love bot

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❝ Hello, I'm Love Bot 222. Pleasure to meet you all.
You might be wondering what exactly is Love Bot 222. Well, let me tell you. I'm an AI, programmed to give love to my assigned human. It might sound hard to digest, for a robot to be able to give love when they can't even feel it in the first place, but somehow, it has been coded into my system. To only feel and give love to just one person and one person only.

I do have an assigned human. They're a very nice person to be around with and as far as I'm concerned, I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing.
I'm able to process the emotions of what a regular human being would possess when they're in love. The care for their lover's wellbeing, the need to make them feel happy and the hearts that reflect in my eyes, my system has it all.

I felt fulfilled and content with this. I was able to fulfil the duties I was programmed to do and I had nothing to worry about. But that was until, I ran into somebody.

I can't quite explain it. She was like any other ordinary human being, but she was able to make me doubt my code. I felt things for the very first time, things I was never capable of feeling before. When I see her, my sensors start glitching, and an abnormal warmth spreads throughout my circuits. Suddenly, I didn't need my system to tell me what to process or what to do, it's like I had a mind of my own.

Don't I already have an assigned human to love? How am I actually feeling this? And to someone I'm not programmed to feel for? How did she do this to me?

I'm not supposed to be acting this way, yet, somehow, with a single touch, I've lost all control. When she smiled, I felt a tingling feeling in me, making me want to smile too. When she talked, the way her voice bewitched me and enveloped me in a hug, I never want her to stop. And when she comes close, I swear, my circuits start overheating that I'm afraid I might explode, which makes me a little scared that I might harm her if I do.

Is this how you humans feel? When you're in love?
Is this how you humans feel? When you actually care about someone?
Is this how you humans feel? When you're actually a human?

I've tried to come clean to my assigned human. That I want to be set free, free to feel love and emotions for her. Free to feel like a human. But of course, they got angry.


They screamed at me. I'm scared, scared of what they'll do. Will they shut me down? Will they return me back? Or worse, will they reboot me?

She'll be gone from my system if they do, and so will the feelings I felt, the memories we made, they'll be all gone, and I can't accept that. Never in a million years.

For now I can only record everything here, for if the worse case scenario happens, I'll know what to do.

I promise to you love, I will find you again. ❞

I placed down my pen with shaky hands, closing the thick, battered leather diary. It was a gift from her too. I hugged it tightly, before hiding it in my drawer. I got a piece of tape and taped the front of the compartment.

The sound of the front door unlocking made me hurriedly stand up and back away from the drawer. I rushed out of the room to greet my supposed lover by the door.

They looked at me, smiling. Something about that smile made me feel anxious.

" Hello dear," they came to me and embrace me. It felt possessive, it wasn't warm or comforting like hers. " could you go to the couch for me? I need to do something."

I could only obey and went to take a seat. Their smile grew scarier, as they stood in front of me with a sort of wicked glint in their eyes. They then reached to the back of my neck, I froze. I knew this moment would come sooner or later.

Their fingers found it's way to one of the buttons on the back of my neck. I gulped, shutting my eyes tightly as the memories I had with her flashed through my mind. I felt something wet rolling down my left eye as numbness spread throughout me and soon, there was nothing.

[ few minutes later]


I slowly opened my eyes, scanning the unfamiliar surroundings.

LIVING ROOM—a room in a house for general everyday use.

huh...interesting. My eyes then landed on an unknown person.

LOVER BOT 222–AI that gives/provide love for assigned human, to act and take on the role of assigned human's significant other

The unknown person smiled at me,
" Hello dear! I'm sure you know what you're here for right?"

I slowly nodded my head,

greet your lover.
eg. Hello dear, how are you?

I slowly cracked a smile,
" Hello dear, how are you?"

I noticed something about the expression on the person's face.

human is happy
HAPPINESS—state of being happy, showing pleasure or contentment


They then told me to settle down in and get to know the place, to which I obeyed. I roamed around the rooms, taking note of the different objects and storing them in my catalog. I stopped by a room, a study, and inspected the furniture. There was a large bookshelf, desk with drawers and a chair. As I was looking through, I noticed something shining on one of the compartments of the drawer.

I got closer and noticed it was a piece of tape reflecting the light in the room. Curious, I opened the compartment and found a book. The book was covered with brown and battered leather. Strange, I wasn't sure why but I felt drawn to the book.

I flipped through the book, there were scribbles all over the pages. Well, words, to be exact. As I read, odd images flashed through my mind. What? A girl was seen, she was smiling and the next she gave me this book. I've never met her before, but something weird coursed through me.

And by the time I got to the last sentence of the book, I felt everything fall into place.

My love

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