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I sat in my lonely corner of the small cafe. The place was quiet, air filled with the smell of freshly brewed coffee and most of the tables were empty.

It was quite early, 8:30 a.m. to be exact. I'm not the type to be out of the house this early.

The service and food here is decent but that's not the reason why I find myself here early in the morning.

It's because of her.

She always comes here around this time, to get some coffee, and sometimes bread, and to read her book. She also has a spot that she always goes to.

And I would always be here, sipping my coffee as my hand starts sketching out her features on my sketchbook. Like the way her eyes are so focused on what she's reading that it makes me curious as to what she's reading. And the way some strands of her hair falls on her face as her glasses rest on her nose bridge.

I always feel like I've failed to capture all her beauty on the piece of paper.


The bell by the entrance of the cafe signalled another customer entering. It was her.

I watched from afar as she proceeded to order. My mind could only be filled with the thoughts of wanting her to notice me, or of me wanting to talk to her. All those thoughts felt like a fantasy that was never going to happen, for I'm too shy and it'd just be impossible for her to take note of the lonely guy in the corner, engrossed in his own sketches.

God, I sound like some creep.

When she was done with her order, I saw her look over to my table and approach me.

I felt my heartbeat speed up as all the tiny voices in my head started screaming and sound off every alarm, OMG SHE'S COMING HERE!

I panicked and averted my eyes to the empty page of my sketchbook, trying to make myself look busy.

I didn't know what to feel, should I feel alarmed that she's approaching me? Or I should I feel ecstatic that she's finally approaching me?

"Excuse me?"

I snapped out of my thoughts at the sound of the sweet melodic voice. I slowly raised my head up to see her looking at me with those beautiful eyes of hers.

"I...uh...I'm not sure how to put this, but, I always see you here and you always seemed to be drawing something, and I'm just a little curious about you." She shyly smiled, gripping on tighter to the strap of her sling bag. I widened my eyes as I felt my words tangle themselves up in my throat, refusing to come out.

She noticed this and looked away a little, stuttering out in embarrassment, "I-I'm sorry if I sounded like some creep, I didn't mean to! It's just-"

"N-no," I cut in, as my cheeks began to light up with the same reddish hue like hers, " it's fine! I'm just a little surprised that you'd come up to me and tell me this because, you see, I'm also curious about you too and I've always seen you-"

She let out a soft laugh at my rambling and I felt even more shy, wanting ever so much to shrink in my seat. I looked down, trying to save myself from the embarrassment.

We told each other our names, well, I mostly stuttered it out, which made me want to crawl into a hole. But I felt better when she said it. I'm not sure why but it felt different when she said my name. It had a different effect on me, like it was the perfect name to roll off her tongue.

As we talked more, I felt special.

So this is how it feels like to be one of her books, to have all her attention on you.

By the time we had to part ways, I think i've made it very clear, I was whipped for her.

𝐖𝐈𝐋𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant