Part 3: Gryffindor's versions of Slytherin's

Start from the beginning

"You're early," he commented.Lily shrugged. She wasn't going to mention that she was early on his sister's advice. 

"Yeah. I thought I'd check the weather and get dressed early."He nodded.

 "Well, just pick a locker and change. And here," he tossed her a bundle. "That's a practice outfit. It took a while to get one that would fit your size."

 Lily tried not to scowl as she pulled the bundle apart. She hated being small.

 "And you're using Lana's broom," Aaron told her. He handed her a Nimbus 4000. It was an older model, but still a great model. Lily missed her broom. One her last birthday, shehad gotten Firebolt 200. It was the perfect model. It was fast, easy to control, and beautiful. 

"Thanks," Lily told him. She set the broom down by a locker, and slipped off her shoes. Then she reached for the hem of her shirt.Aaron cleared his throat. 

"Well, I'm going to go out and wait for the others. It's almost time." Lily noticed a little pink on his cheeks. She tried not to laugh. He was embarrassed?They really weren't used to having girls on the team.Lily dressed into the practice uniform and sighed. It was still just a little bit big on her, but she had to admit that it wasn't too bad. She picked up the broom and walked out of thelocker room. A bench had been placed on the edge of the field, so Lily took a seat and laced up her shoes.

 "What are you doing here, Potter?" a voice demanded.Lily looked up to see Tyson Derrick and a group of boys coming toward the locker room. They all had brooms in their hands, and each looked at her with confused looks. 

"I'm trying out for Seeker," Lily said casually. She continued to lace her shoes.But some of the boys scoffed or laughed. 

"You're trying out for Seeker?" Tyson said with amusement. 

"First years aren't even allowed brooms." 

"Well that rule is being bent for her." They all looked to see Aaron approaching the group.

 "The headmaster is allowing her to try out with my recommendation." 

"Are you out of your mind, Aaron?" Tyson chuckled.

 "Her? A first year and a girl? Is there anything about those qualities that can be better than me?"

 "I hope," Goyle muttered. 

Tyson's face darkened a little and gained a scowl. "Whatever. You're the captain. I'll just have to let you see that you wasted your time with her." 

The boys all marched off to the locker room. At some point Scorpius had joined the group of boys, and he smirked at her as he passed. Goyle let out a breath and sat down next toLily. 

"Told you that they'd make jokes," he told her.Lily shrugged. 

"I don't care. Just let him eat crow after I beat him."Goyle grinned. 

"That's the attitude I like to see." 

Soon the tryouts were starting, and there was a large crowd of people in the stands. Lily saw some of her family, and she knew that it wasn't just Slytherins that were watching.The other teams were scouting. There were whispers when people saw her in the line with the others.Aaron Goyle had turned out to be a good and fair captain. When he finally sent out the Seekers, Lily was confident that she could do it, and that he would be fair about it. Theirgoal was to see who could catch the Snitch in the fastest time, along with the Bludgers being loose. Tyson Derrick went before Lily did, and she now knew what Aaron had beentalking about. Tyson avoided any mud, and wouldn't go for the Snitch when it was too close to the grass. Lily saw two times that he could have had it, but completely avoided it because of the mud it was hovering over.

Slytherin's Potter ( Scorpius Malfoy x Lily Luna Potter)Where stories live. Discover now