"Your Majesty, I suggest that your order must not be delayed... The Princess and her troops are already waiting for your order to move" one of the minister spoke lightly, reminding the emperor.

Emperor Ling sighed while massaging  his forehead. Feeling defeated, he finally agreed to let his son go and gave orders to Abigail to make her move.


"Prince Edward" Abigail greeted, confused why he is here...

"My father pleaded me to come with you, and to guide the troops... I hope for your cooperation Lady Abigail" Lies... Edward lied that the Emperor pleaded him hence he was actually the one who pleaded to the Emperor to let him come.

"Of course... It's an honor for a Prince to lead the battle" Abigail said and bowed before hopping unto her horse while Edward did the same.

"Everyone! Change to Formation-E" Abigail yelled and so t"s then changed their positions where 3 Commanders led to troops while she and Edward were positioned in the middle of the soldiers, 5th row away from the leading commanders and started the long path..

The barracks is still 287 km away from them so they must hurry... Abigail already sent 300 soldiers in the barracks to hold the enemy from entering and destroying the place.

"I can say, the strategy of yours has its Uniqueness from capturing those enemies" Edward said as they rode the horse.

"Don't think much of it... My plan is a cowardly one, I intended for my people to stay alive as much as possible until this fight ends. Just because they're soldiers doesn't mean we always have to let them die in order to trap the enemies to gain our victory.... I always put my people first before everything else" Abigail said without even looking at Edward as they continued on their long run.


As soon as they arrived at the barracks, a group of Olimpo soldiers took advantage of their arrival and quickly encircled them. at first, they thought the victory was already in their hands but....

Another group of archers from the veoral kingdom appeared behind them and starting shooting, the Olimpo soldiers were about to react but Abigail then ordered her men to attack. The fight was on, knowing that there are over a thousand of Olimpo soldiers while Abigail's men were just over to 800 mens. she knows that they were outnumbered but that doesn't mean they'll lose.

A good strategy is always a good advantage when it comes to battle.

In the area full of conflict, some have lost their lives but that did not stop them from fighting. a slashing of sword and the shout of the soldiers were the only thing that were heard at the place where the battle began. The Veoral soldiers fought for their lives and so did the enemies. Abigail did her best to help her soldiers and fight those Olimpo soldiers, everyone did their best to fight for victory.

"Now, Attack!!" Abigail yelled as she raised her sword, seconds after, arrows came flying upon the enemies, hitting them in every part of their bodies while her people then stepped back to avoid those arrows.

The arrows stopped from shooting and the place was as quiet as it may be. Abigail sigh, and sat down while catching her breath. Her people then shouted with joy as they were sure that victory was in their hands, again.

"Now I know why people would always pick you to lead their battle, just like you said before A good strategy is always a good advantage" Edward said as he then offered his hand while Abigail just smiled and held his hand for her to stand up from the ground.

but before Abigail could say a word, one of the surviving enemies stood up and shouted before shooting the arrow towards the Prince, they had small time to react but Abigail didn't risk any second and protected Edward.

Instead of hitting Edward, Abigail shielded her own body to protect the Prince and was hit by the arrow in the shoulder.

"Kill that man!" one of the commanders said like a madman as the soldiers then hurriedly to do so.

On the other hand, Edward then catches Abigail in his arms before she could fall to the ground.

"My lady..." He whispered when she grunted in pain, trying to pull the arrow on her shoulder.

"Your Highness, the arrow contains poison we must pull it from her body before it spreads" Alphonse hurriedly approached Abigail and pulled it himself while Edward then hurriedly covered her wound with a cloth.

Abigail's breathing were getting faster and her vision started to blur as she looked at the surrounding.

They thought everything's finally okay when she tried to stand up but....

"Hey Abigail.... Wake up! wake up!"


"I'll send a letter about this matter right away" Captain Terran said

"No need, I'll say it to him personally once we get back there but now, we need to keep this a secret for now and just focus on treating Abigail... Her life is at risk at this moment, if someone finds out other than us then there's a chance that her life will be in danger" Edward said with a low voice feeling the regret on his face. Captain Terran sighed as he then left.

The physician says that she lost too much blood hence her wound is deep, there is also poison that entered her body. She would've died if Edward was delayed to call the physicians....

"How was she?" Edward asked when the physician came out of the tent where Abigail was brought for treatment.

"Your Highness, apparently she's stable now but I need to go further inspection on her every 30 minutes" The physician said making the Prince nod with a sigh as he then excused himself.

"You must be really worried... About my daughter, Prince Edward" Alphonse suddenly appeared as he then tapped the Prince's back.

"Oh, it's you uncle..." Edward said while taking a deep breath and faced Alphonse as they both entered the tent where

"Of course I'm worried for her, she saved my life" He stated and took a glance at the woman, lying at the bed on the other side of the thin fabric, as they both sat on their seat.

It became silent for a moment which made them a little awkward. Alphonse just sighed and grabbed some champagne in the cabin, while opening it he looked around, hoping that no one could hear them and that's when he decided to speak up.

"Do you... Really love her that much that... You're willing to sneak out of the kingdom just to see her? Willing to... Come to the battlefield just to get close to her as much as possible, Hmm?" Alphonse exclaimed and gave him a bottle of champagne

Edward was shocked by his uncle's words, that secret was supposed to be just between Abigail's and his. Knowing his uncle very well, the calmer he looks, the more dangerous he is.


Edward asked out of curiosity.

"I'm not born last year child, I know from the very beginning that the two of you... Have something in secret. The night before her coronation as the Princess, you came to her. the night at the celebration, she came to you... despite knowing that your brother is already asking for her hand while you... you'll be bound to someone else in the future" Alphonse exclaimed while Edward stayed silent, avoiding his gaze as much as he could. He just sighed as he then approached Edward and tapped his shoulder lightly.

"I'm not against it child, I know my daughter very well... She knows what she's dealing with and she's prepared for the possible outcomes in the future. Just... When that time comes, when your secrets are revealed in front of the massive crowd...I just wished that you won't leave her in the middle of chaos" Alphonse reassured and spoke in a soft tone before walking towards where Abigail was resting, he just sighed and rested his palm on his daughters' forehead, checking if she's okay.

"You don't have to tell me, Duke Alphonse. I will never leave her"

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