Chapter 35 - Sophie

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Sophie told herself not to panic. Naturally, that only made her panic more.

She couldn't see anything, and she wasn't even sure if she was awake or floating in some sort of dreamy oblivion.

Either way, her head ached awfully, pulsing with pain from whoever had hit her. Sophie drifted in the darkness, but the more she stayed there, the more terrified she became.

Flashbacks from her first kidnapping were racing through her mind.

Heat licking up her wrists and burning her arms.

Chocking on an old cloth gag.

Sickeningly sweet smells stinging her nose and throat.

The memories felt so real she wasn't sure if they were only memories or if they were really happening to her in present time.

She tried to separate it between illusion and reality, but the more she tried the more her head hurt. A thick mental fog clouded her mind. She attempted to transmit to someone, anyone, but she couldn't think through all the haze.

She wasn't sure how much time had passed before she finally heard blurred voices. They sharpened as she slowly came out of her stupor.

Sophie felt bonds around her wrists and ankles, securing her to something and digging into her skin. A cloth tied around her eyes blocked her vision, allowing her other senses to go on high alert.

Shuffling of footsteps.

A strong musty smell.

Indecipherable whispers.

Then finally, "She's awake."

Every hair stood on end as the chillingly familiar voice registered. Ruy.

Sophie struggled to speak but found there was a gag in the way, adding to her panic. She tried to appear calm and collected, even though inside terror was coursing through her.

The Neverseen had found her then. But how? Were they there for Keefe and happened to find her instead?


A new wave of horror washed over her. What if he had been kidnapped too? What was going to happen to them?

Another voice spoke, one she didn't recognize. "Relax, Sophie. We're not going to hurt you if we don't have to. Don't try screaming either. No one will hear you."

Sophie didn't think she could yell if she tried. Whatever they had drugged her with was strong. Even the sounds around her were hard to make out. They sounded slightly distorted, and the ringing in her ears made it worse.

"What should we do?" The unfamiliar voice said.

Silence stretched on before Ruy spoke. "I don't know. We weren't expecting to find her. It might be best to wait for orders."

The other man grunted, neither approving nor denying.

There were no other noises for a long time, making Sophie wonder if they'd left. Her heart pounded in her chest, so much she thought she might crack a rib.

"She's scared. I can feel it."

Sophie breathed in sharply, trying to hide how much that terrified her. The member she didn't know was the one who'd spoken. Had the Neverseen found an Empath to work for them?

"You're not touching her," Ruy said, clearly skeptical. "How can you tell?"

"Her emotions are stronger."

Ruy snorted. "Probably something to do with how the Black Swan programmed her."

Sophie felt the floor shaking slightly—someone was tapping their foot anxiously.

"Should we take off her gag? Let her talk?" The new member asked.

"I don't think so," Ruy replied after a moment. "In fact, it might be better to put her under again until we know what to do with her." Although Sophie couldn't see anything, she could practically hear the psychotic smile in his voice. "Make the dosage stronger this time too, just enough so she's alive. But weak."

"With pleasure."

Sophie's mind screamed at her to do something. The thought of being unconscious again sent tremors of horror pulsing through her, and she trembled in her restraints even knowing that any attempt to free herself was useless.

She felt a sharp prick in her arm, and her veins turned to fire as a needle sunk into her skin. Pain erupted throughout her body, worsening when she kicked and jerked in her seat. The only relief from it all was when everything faded to black once more.

A/N: happy valentine's day!! (guess who's single 😙✌️) also sorry for the short chapter

anyways stay safe and wear a mask :)

Updated: 2/14/22

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