Chapter 49 - Keefe

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The moment they crossed the threshold, a red light came to life around Sophie. Keefe looked down at himself and was shocked to see that he was glowing... white?

"What ability is white?" he asked.

Sophie frowned. "I don't know. I don't think there is one. Unless it's your new one. Or maybe because you have so many combined abilities, the spectrum is blending together to just become white."

Keefe wasn't sure what to make of that. "I mean, at least it's better than pink. As long as I'm not wandering around glowing pink."

Sophie laughed softly.

"You guys coming?" Dex called back. Keefe could see the three of them glowing in the distance.

Sophie squeezed his hand. "C'mon, let's catch up."

The rest of the walk was pretty much silent. Oralie led the way, her heels clacking on the jeweled floor. Every time Keefe thought they might be nearing the end of the very very long and very very quiet hallway, the darkness only continued.

Keefe's heart was beating out of control, so he tried to keep his focus on Sophie's hand in his. As long as he could anchor onto the feeling of their entwined fingers, he could breathe easier. And as long as he didn't think too far into the future and stayed here in the present, with Sophie by his side, he could stop his mind from racing.

What felt like hours later, they came to a dark dead end. All Keefe could see was the faint outline of solid diamond walls and a door that was at least half his height.

"Where are we?" Keefe asked, breaking the silence.

"This is the entrance to the Paragon," Oralie replied. "It's what will take us up to the edge of our atmosphere." She stepped forward, and as she did, the doors slid open. The dark hall brightened with a rectangle of light that spilled into the hallway.

Keefe was glad Sophie had given him a run-down on what was going to happen, otherwise he would have been very confused.

Oralie crossed the threshold first, and as she did her spotlight disappeared. She had to stoop and walk awkwardly through the small tunnel that stretched several feet deep.

Dex and Wylie followed, and beside him he heard Sophie stifle a laugh as they bumped into each other and tripped over their own feet.

When it was just the two of them left, Keefe motioned for her to go. "After the Lovely Lady Foster, of course."

Sophie's cheeks tinted pink, and she kissed the back of his hand before dropping it to crouch through the hallway. Keefe watched with a grin on his face as she struggled; Sophie definitely had her clumsy moments, but it was adorable.

Once there was room for him to go, Keefe ducked down, his white spotlight vanishing. He could see Sophie and Dex ahead, and Wylie who'd just crossed another doorway into some type of room.

The rest of them passed through shortly after, the second door sliding shut. Keefe straightened, looking around in confusion and mild awe. Although the room was small, the curved walls were made of pure diamond shaped like honeycombs, ceilings bent low above their heads to create a sphere. A very claustrophobic sphere.

Keefe could sense everyone's discomfort, glad to know he wasn't the only one feeling cramped.

Oralie must have seen his expression. "Don't worry, the Paragon will expand. It's just a bit tight at first."

"You should have been here the first time," Dex said. "There were seventeen of us squished together."

Keefe refused to think about that.

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