how you met him 🖤Cole🖤

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You usually sat on a bench where thugs hung out most of the time. Whenever they were gone, you'd skip class and listen to music. It was mostly on Fridays when they were gone.

Your friend, Chris, would always skip class together with you. He didn't have a crush on you or anything. He was just a best friend who stood by your side since your childhood. Almost forgot, he was into redhead boys. So, that was another reason why he wasn't into you.

Today on the bench was a bit different from usual. There was a black-haired boy with a well-built body. He had his boombox on his shoulder while listening to music and eating at the same time. Wow, he can multitask unlike you who is only capable of doing one thing at a time.

"Our place for today is taken already. Should we go or join 'em?" Chris asked while leaning down to your vision.

"Meh. It doesn't matter to me. You can decide."

Chris pulled a card out of his pocket and showed the back side of it. He rotated it to the other side, showing the symbol of the card.

"No u."

'Ah, a reverse card.'

"You're mean."

Chris shrugged with a smug smile and waited for your answer. The two of you looked at each other.

"Oh, you meant it for real?" You questioned.

Chris nodded and you let out a deep sigh. You turned around immediately as Chris followed from behind.

The music behind you stopped which made you turn around to the well-built teenager. His brown chocolate eyes stared into yours for a while. He drifted his gaze to the ground while getting another piece of donut from a large box.

"Ain't you joining me?" He started.

Chris 'uh'd' for a moment. Thinking about what excuse he should make for leaving so suddenly.

"Wait, I saw you before." You started.

"Aren't you the guy from the next classroom?"

"Which classroom are you referring to?" He asked with a smirk. He knew which one you meant but he wanted to tease you.

"Never mind. Cross that question. My name's Y/n A/n and this is Chris Graver."

Chris gave him a quick wave and the guy standing before you stood up. Leaving his boombox on the bench.

"The name's Cole Brookstone. Nice to meetcha, Y/n." He said while leaning close to your smaller figure.

He gave a nod to Chris as a 'nice meeting you' sign. He went back to the bench. Doing the same thing as he did earlier.

"It wouldn't hurt joining him." You shrugged.

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