"Give him another shot of whiskey," Marisol said.

Her eyes were red, and her mouth was moist and eager to laugh.

"I'm good. Go back in there and leave me alone. You just want to argue and make fun of me," Erik slurred, playfully pushing his play-cousin away. Marisol giggled on her way out, her long glossy black hair bouncing on her back and matching the bounce in her hips.

"Water?" Disa asked.


Erik leaned against the sink as Disa filled a large glass with filtered water.

"We'll be out of your hair soon. Seven hours is way too long to take over your space—"

"I love it. Really. Your family is an international smorgasbord of yummy."

"Please don't tell them that. They'll try to stay until the dawn. We are known to party until daylight."

"So be it."

"Nah. You've done enough. This is the best birthday I've had in years."

He draped his arms around her waist and kissed her. Flicking his tongue across her lips, Disa pushed him back out of respect for Chloe, but Erik rested his lips on her ear.

"You don't know what this means to me," he said.

He settled himself away from her and leaned against her sink.

Erik looked different.

Twenty-one had done something to him.

His hair was longer, and his body had matured. Her own brothers had gone through second puberty too, that subtle change when young men started looking manly and came into their own. The boyish energy she encountered the first time she had met him was gone.

Dante wandered into the kitchen, looking for another beer, and took one from the fridge.

"Hey Grandpop," Erik said, giving the older man a sloppy kiss on the cheek.

"We're about to shut the party down, birthday boy. Can you call for the SUVs?"

"On it," Erik said, walking out of the kitchen.

"Tonight was amazing, Disa. Thank you for all of this."

"You are very welcome. Erik deserved an amazing celebration."

Dante gazed at her for a long time and it made Disa feel awkward. He moved closer to her.

"He's royalty," Dante said.

"Excuse me?"

"Erik. He's of royal blood. His father's side of the family. He doesn't like for people to know this, but I want you to know. You treated him like the prince he is today."

"Erik is a prince?"

"Yep. He is third in line to a throne in East Africa."

"He never mentioned that."

"He won't. Hides it. I want the world to know that my daughter gave birth to a prince but Erik wants to keep it quiet."

"You probably shouldn't have told me then."

"He loves you."

"Come again?"

Dante tilted his head back, and a mischievous look came across his face.

"I know my grandson very well. He's prancing around here with that nice young lady... Chloe... but his eyes won't stop gazing your way. I won't tell him I know. Truth is, the entire family knows. Every time he calls home or talks to a family member, he mentions you. The excitement in his voice gives him away every time. My grandson is a quiet and private person. Even more so with his relationships. But with you, he just gushes. There's a glow in his face."

Black Boys Bloom Thorns First: Volume 3 (A Black Panther Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now