Sasuke once asked Itachi about Danzo. He was curious to know if it'll be worth confronting that man. Itachi described him as a hidden aggressor to the world. Many might not see it or hear it, but behind closed doors will make people furious—mainly the Uchiha Clan. The eldest spoke about an incident with Shisui, which Sasuke knows him as one of the kindest relatives, who didn't deserve to have his life on the line. Itachi also explains to Sasuke how the Akatsuki became how it is in the present time.

A loyal man's death caused a huge impact, specifically companions. It's one of the main reasons that led to the formation of the Akatsuki. Danzo lured a man named Yahiko for a meeting and threatens Nagato to kill his teammate so they can let Konan live. Unfortunately, Yahiko sacrificed himself to save his friends. Thus making Nagato anguish to the core and desiring a world to have nothing but immortality.

Now that Sasuke acknowledges more unpleasant information, he made the right choice to change his ways. However, he can predict that evil is not going to end until they do something about it.

When venturing off, the brothers decided to get back with their comrades. They are not supposed to stay together but they are rebelling against it. In the wilderness, the two have a sudden sense of multiple chakra signatures ahead of them. Itachi activates his Sharingan, "Sasuke." He calls his brother's name and directs his eyes to what is below them. "I know." The raven placed a hand onto the handle of the sharp weapon and brings it out. He springs downward and gets collied with another blade—a much bigger sword.

"Oi! Why would you try to kill your teammate?!"

A familiar voice questions in total panic. Sasuke's gaze softens, "Suigetsu." He gracefully pulls away to notice it was his squad. "Sorry. I thought we were going to get ambushed." Sasuke apologizes to him. "Yeah, it's fine." Suigetsu brushes it off and puts back his sword onto his back. Jugo makes a puzzled expression, "We? Who is with you?" The tall ginger asked the raven. In a cue, Itachi makes an appearance. "Konnichiwa. Please to meet you three." He politely greets the members of Hebi. Karin, Jugo, and Suigetsu become flabbergasted because the Uchiha Itachi is acting like an ordinary person.

Sasuke grows amused by their hilarious reaction. "Yes, indeed this is my brother. Long story short, we took the time to make up and be a family again." He didn't want to go into details and make it short for the trio to understand. At once, they all smile at Sasuke. It seems like they are glad to hear about the great news. Itachi steps in and placed his hand onto his brother's right shoulder. "Where to next? Plus, your squad can join us." He offers them an invitation.

The raven etches a merry grin, "I'll tell everyone once we start moving forward."

✧: *.☽ .* ✧

In the Akiyama household, it's filled with harmony and peace.

Misa's grandparents decided to visit Konoha because the Land of Snow has been bleak from joy. They do love their home but there will be times when they feel empty without seeing the rest of their relatives. In the peaceful garden, Misa takes her grandmother a stroll around the place because she wanted to show the cherry blossom trees that have bloomed. Haruna beckons her hand and lets a pretty petal land into her palm. "I've only seen a bud from a cherry blossom tree." She states that it is her first time looking at a fully bloomed one. "Well, you are in luck! However, they last for a short period." Misa informs her grandmother.

"Wow. Never in a million years that I would watch the wind blow the cherry blossoms." A masculine voice has spoken. Misa veers her head to see her amazed grandfather is standing by the doorway. "Come on out, oji-chan." She offers him a hand to hold. The elderly man, Isamu, intertwined his fingers with his granddaughter. The petite girl helps him walk over to his wife, and gravitate to the beauty of nature.

Isamu moves his wrinkled lips, "If I had one wish, I would love to see our village turn into spring and have these trees be part of our environment." Throughout his entire life, he is used to seeing snow which is an old thing to him. Haruna nods her head, "I do to but sadly it will never happen." She agrees with her husband; even when it's a less likely chance.

"Maybe there is a solution but we never discovered it yet." Misa figured. She has the old couple turning their heads. They look at her bemused as if she was joking. "I don't know about that, Misa." Isamu wasn't enthusiastic by the girl's assumption. Misa holds both of their hands tightly. "The answer is somewhere in the world. We can eventually find it." She just knows there is one way. The young kunoichi wants to believe that it will happen. From eternal winter to jubilant spring.

Haruna draws a charming smile, "You're always finding a way to solve a problem." She pecks the crown of Misa's head. Suddenly, a light bulb glows on top of Isamu's head. He abruptly came up with a subject to talk about. "Misa-chan, tell me who is this Uchiha gentleman that you are madly in love with." The old man knew from her parents that she is in a relationship but he never go into it. Up until this moment, Isamu is interested to hear about his granddaughter's love life. Misa can feel a blush heating her angelic face. By now, everyone knows about the dynamic lovers in the shinobi world.

"His name is Uchiha Sasuke. The one who changed my life."


Author's Note
Heyooo! The story is building up to an arc that I am really excited about bc there will be action sequences and other stuff that is a surprise 😙 Now that our uchiha boys are back together I have a lot of ideas for the future updates so don't miss those 🔥 Lastly tysm for all of the support and being the best readers 💗😘

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