A Distant Call Part 2

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Tom just sat there after that messaged played.... The fact an alien, one that resembled a werewolf, was concerned that he survived got him wondering.

That if he did not listen to that advice he be dead, died either from starvation or getting eaten alive by one of those creatures.

So what choice did he have, so he got on his chest and reached deep in the water with both hands, and cut a tuber free before he brought it to the surface.

Looking it over, it reminded him of a melon. But after cutting it open, it looked more like the flesh of a Japanese radish, it even tasted a bit like daikon but a bit spicier, but it was pleasant.

After he had finished most of it, he waited and waited, to see if he was going to die.

He even managed to take a nap.  

Anyway after a while he still was very much alive.

But he was curious what was on those other keys.

So a trip to the city was in order. He was more careful this time. He looked up before he got out of the water this time. He just managed to see one of those creatures exiting as he got out.

That was when it hit him, he was in desperate need of a water container of some kind.

But that wasn't all, the more he thought about it, the more questions he had.

The one he knew him could say that he never gave up.

So that is what brought him to the city entrance to the tunnel again.

He had figured out that if someone left something that it had to be easy to find, and that it would be in the closest building to the tunnel. 

He also knew that it would not be on the 1st floor. Reason why it could be carried off by one of those creatures. But not so much on the 2nd floor. Now if he could just find the stairs, the building was surprisingly large. About half the floor space of the Merchandise Mart in Chicago maybe 100,000 sq.ft. 

He almost went back the cave to get some water before he finally found that stairs. It was behind a couple of pillars and completely hidden. He had only discovered it by accident. Up the stairs and nothing. Until be checked the 3rd corner and there it was. A water sack was there right on the floor. It could hold at least 3 gallons, and a shoulder bag with a key inside. That was made out of some black metal material. They both were in good shape, and if that sack held water. 

He could go finally go exploring.

That was when he noticed something into the floor. It was a rectangle and in it's center was a circuit board the size of an average cellphone. Which he thought strange.

What was even stranger when he held that circuit board in his hand his cellphone linked watch beeped.

Tom admitted to himself that he knew was phone was left in in office. This plan didn't make sense.

When he checked on it's display it appeared as if it's OS was being quickly rewritten. 

Before he knew it, there was a message displayed which said, "Extend your arm until the beep"

Which he then did, and all of a sudden it displayed dots. One right where he stood. It didn't take an expert to know that his watch was now configured to find those circuit boards. He knew it had to be important, but then he watch double beeped and a key suddenly appeared.

There was only one place he could go now and that was to the cave.

It was there and key #2 in place

It was that werewolf again

"I see you decided to live, and time for more information, like what about that 3rd key I guess you also found.

My name is Ahmar, personally I wish we could speak as I know you probably have 100s of questions. But all I can do is give you the basics.

The water sack and shoulder bag will help you explore this world. If you just happen to have anything with a display. That circuit board you found will rewrite that device in order to find more. Why is this important? Because what you found is part of a Rescue Beacon, and once you find all 96 pieces. It will automatically send out a signal. I wish it could be fewer pieces, but our communication system we use is extremely complicated and this was the easiest to use. All you have to do is pile them up somewhere, and when the last piece is added the signal will be automatically sent.

During your travels, you will also find more keys as I said earlier they will reveal more information. How I wish I was there to help you, except I am just a recording.

You might be wondering why someone of my species actually wound up on this desert world. Would you believe history? I have always been curious about my own world. It seems my world's history is much more complicated than I ever expected.

I know on some worlds giant reptiles, maybe a comet who knows. My world isn't that simple, it brought me to 14 worlds, this planet and for some reason it's also linked to a planet that is said to be the oldest and orbits a pulsar.

But I'll leave that as a tease.

Here are some facts you should know, the days on this would last exactly 10 hours. The temperatures rarely vary, and it never rains anywhere. But there is clean fresh water and those tubers.

The 3rd key is a map, till next time".  

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