Semi dies for a day lmao

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"Who do you think you are talking to me like that?! Eita is fine, and even if he's not, why should I care? That's his problem not mine."

Shirabu stared in disbelief, and in a fit anger he flicked her off and ran away tears in his eyes.

"YOUR TERRIBLE!!! YOU DONT DESERVE EITA!!" He shouted running...nowhere really. He just wanted to find Semi.

He needed to find Semi.

Something was wrong, and he just wanted to make sure Semi was okay.

That he was fine, he was happy, and him and Shirabu could do what they always do.

Laugh while cuddling, making fun of other people, embarrassing each other, making Shirabus brothers wanna throw up.

be a couple. Be together.

"God damnit Eita..." Shirabu cried finally pausing to catch his breath.

He couldn't hold back his tears anymore, and they started falling like a rainstorm.

One after another, they fell to the floor and he checked his phone.

2 hours since Semi was supposed to arrive at Shirabu's house.

Semi planned to head over to Shirabu's house after he got home and get there at 5:15.

Now it was 7:15.

It was starting to get dark and although Shirabu didn't want to stop looking he knew if he was still out there when nothing but street lamps would light up the streets it wouldn't be the safest thing.

He took a longer way home, and walked slow like people in the hallways who pissed him off. He didn't care right now though. He looked to see if Semi was anywhere to be seen. Maybe he tried to take a new way to Shirabu's house and got lost. He would've answered the phone though wouldn't he?

When Shirabu's phone started ringing, he quickly clutched it in his hand but let out a curse when it was his mother.

He still answered despite being disappointed.

"Kenjirou? Did you leave the house earlier?"

"I can't find Semi..." he mumbled and his mother seemed to partly understand.

"He hasn't texted you?"


"I'm sure it's nothing big dear."

"But what if-"

"Just come home. Let's talk about it then okay? Dinner is getting cold."

"But..." Shirabu stopped himself knowing there wasn't much else he could do. He agreed and hung up. He stared at his phone before looking back at some of the text messages he had sent.

Late like always
15 minutes?
30 minutes Semi...
Are you alright?
Is something wrong?
I can go to your place instead
Is it ur parents?
Semi it's been 45 minutes
Please just text me back
Are you okay??
I'm really worried Semi.
Please answer...
Semi please
Did I do something?
Please forgive me.
I just want to make sure you're okay.

There was more but Shirabu couldn't read them clearly anymore due to the tears in his eyes. He sighed and sent one last text, then started making his way back home.

I love you Eita


"Shirabu im sure it's fine. It can't be-"

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