Okay better expect fuck Shirabu this time 😩

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I wanna bring Semi to pain so yea fuck Shirabu-


"...and then my mom got mad at me, so I barked at her, and she barked back at me. So now we're mad at each other."

"Well you barked at her of course she's mad at you. Plus you make people mad easily."

"I do not." Shirabu said looking up at me from my chest.

"Yea you do~ don't even try to deny it."

"Or else what."

"I'll do something."

"Like what hm? You're gonna break up with me? Good, I hate you anyways."

"Hey that hurts. I know you love me~"

Shirabu just flopped back down on my chest.


The way he said that...no. I'm just over thinking. I know it. I shouldn't do that to Shirabu. I shouldn't doubt him. I put all my trust into him, I know he won't hurt me. And I won't hurt him.


"Why am I being dragged here again?"

"Because you've been so busy with your dumb boyfriend and we haven't spent timeee."

"You say it like I'm obsessed with him."

Tendou stared at me with a look that said, "are you stupid?"

"Okay whatever, maybe just a tiny bit. But at least I'm not an asshole who's all like you can't see your friends you only talk to me and blah blah blah! He's at Kawanishi's right now."

"Really? How long ago did he leave?"

"About an hour ago. Why?"

Tendou stopped for a moment grabbing his phone and opening Snapchat.

He clicked on a story and it was Kawanishi at work saying he hates work.

"That's...shouldn't Shirabu..."

"He works nearby, maybe he's just keeping him company? The coffee shop we works at isn't usually busy."

"Yea. That's it. He wouldn't lie to me." I mumbled that last part to myself. I was a little mad at myself for doubting him, maybe he just didn't wanna be on Kawanishi's story.

After walking a bit we finally made it to the shop, seeing no Shirabu but Kawanishi who looked bored out of his mind.
"Hey Kawanishi..." I said as he turned his head to face me.

"Semi? I thought you were with Kenjirou?"

"That's the thing...he said he was gonna hang out with you."

"Nope, I asked if he could pretend there was emergency so I could leave but he said he was with you at the park."

"Why would he lie...?" I asked myself.

"Hey I'm sure it's fine! Maybe he wants to surprise you with something?" Tendou suggested.

I shrugged my shoulders hesitatingly grabbing my phone, stepping outside, and calling Shirabu.

"Hey Semi?"

"Uh...hey Shirabu! Where...are you again?"

"I'm with Taichi."

"Uh yea...that's the thing....I'm at the coffee shop he works at and he's alone..."



He was quiet for a bit...I could tell he was thinking.

"When I get home I need to talk to you."

Is this what I think it is? I don't want it to be. Don't let this end.



It was a girl. Calling his name. His first name. He...doesn't let me use his first name.

What is this pain.

"Semi...are you okay...?" Tendou asked walking outside to see me holding back my tears.

"Y-Yea...I'm just gonna go home..."
The best lies have a little truth. I actually am going home.


Footsteps. I always had good hearing.

"So this is where you and that Semi guy live..? You're ending it today right?"


"Hey don't feel too bad. He'll know and you don't have to feel super guilty anymore! Plus you can finally spend more time with me~"

"Yea okay whatever stupid. I'll see you later Emi."

"Bye bye Kenjirou! Tell me how it goes."

So Emi is her name? And he won't feel guilty anymore. I wonder how long...

how long I believed he actually cared

"Semi...?" He asked stepping into our room where I sat, letting tears fall.

"Emi is a pretty name. I'm sure she's pretty too huh?"

"Semi I....I just... I can't put it into words."

"It's fine. I get it."

She's prettier.
She's nicer.
She's sweet.
She's kind.
She's caring.

"She's better isn't she?"

"Semi thats not it-"

"You guys go by first name? You guys must be pretty close, must've known each other pretty well. How long have you loved her?"

"....two years...next month..."

Two years?

"I'm sorry..."

"Why...I'm the one who cheated...I'm the one who should be sorry."

"Yea I know..."

But there's a reason isn't there?

"I should've been better."

"Semi I just-"

"I told you it's fine." 

I turned to look at him as the tears fell down my face.

"She's better."

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