"Don't bother." She says and I look back at Alex confused for a second "we won't be needing treatment. God will heal my son." I suck in a breath. This is sort of a grey area when it comes to peds and not everyone knows how to handle it "you are aware Mrs Jamerson that if your son doesn't get the right treatment he will die?" I ask, silently reminding myself that I am just doing my job. She nods her head, a tear rolling down her cheek "yes, God will heal him. I would like the discharge papers please." I nod my head.

I turn around and see Alex looking angry and I gently push him from the room. As we walk away I say "please get the discharge papers for Mrs Jamerson." Alex shakes his head and scoffs are me "you can't be serious?" He says and I stop walking. I turn to face him and he says "you can't just let her walk out with him after telling them that he has liver cancer! It's ridiculous! It's child abuse!" He is shouting now and drawing a lot of attention so I step closer to him and say, in a voice lower than necessary "I'm peds it's a very fine line we have to walk between standing in the way of one's religious rights and stepping in against child abuse." I watch as he clenches and unclenches his fists "that woman believes she is doing the best for her son. So go and give her the discharge papers. Now."

Alex clenches his jaw and looks down at me "you're hot when you go all attending on me." He whispers and I go bright red and flustered. He just walks away like he didn't say anything. Asshole.


So thanksgiving was a nightmare, my sister constantly bugging me about details of mine and Alex's 'relationship' while dad asked Alex when he plans on proposing. Ava also fell and broke her arm which meant we had to call Callie who found the whole situation I found myself in quite hilarious. But thankfully everyone went home and I was left in peace.

As I walk into work today I feel someone kiss me on the cheek and Jackson appears beside me "for you lovely lady." He says handing me some flowers and a box of donuts. I smile and take them from him, smelling the flowers "what's this for?" I ask. We both stop in front of the elevator and Jackson presses the button "it's Christmas tomorrow" he says and I blush embarrassed that I didn't get him a gift. I open the box of donuts and gasp "my favourite" I say and he chuckles "I know."

I get off of the elevator and go and meet Mark and Derek in a lab room where Derek is practicing a procedure he is going to be doing on one of Arizona's patients "I wanna bolt." Mark says as I walk in "I want to quit, I want to... go back to New York or.... I don't know, Arkansas." I snort and place the roses and donuts down on a table and grab a chair "is this about Sloan?" I ask and he nods slowly, eyeing my gifts suspiciously "she is evil" he says and I laugh "she is your daughter Mark." He huffs and I smile.

"Somewhere no one can come looking for me." He continues dramatically "I don't know how to talk to her. I don't know what she wants from me. It's the guilt you know? It's like every time I look at her I just... the guilt is like a punch in the gut every day." Derek sighs heavily and continues with his work as he says "well, you shouldn't feel guilty. You didn't know."

I nod my head in agreement but Mark looks straight at his friend, a serious expression on his face as he admits "I did know." I widen my eyes and he explains "I knew when her mum got pregnant. She told me. I gave her a couple hundred bucks and I left town. I never saw her again. I figured she got an abortion. Hoped. But I did know." I look down at my hands for a moment, my mind wandering to Nico.

"Well you're a different guy now." I argue "you're not 18 anymore. You've grown up. You're capable of better." The door opens and I take that as my chance to leave "I'll see you guys around." I say picking up my thinks and heading to the attending's lounge.

I open the door to the lounge and gasp, Alex is there is a wrapped gift and more flowers "Alex?" I ask and he goes alright red on his ears as I make for my locker "Bailey let me in here." He admits "I wanted to give you something special for Christmas." Guilt eats its way up through my stomach and I shrug on my lab coat "but I didn't get you anything." I admit and he shrugs walking towards me "it doesn't matter." He assures and I bite my lip.

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