"Do you know the meanings of these flowers though?" you point to the flowers you know.

"Oh." he turns his head to look at the flowers.

"I know that the white roses means purity  but what about the azaleas and the pink bonicas?" you look at him.

He smiles.

"Hmm, azaleas have a lot of meanings. They represent family, wealth, abundance and elegance. It's like a desire to go back to your family, your home and it also symbolizes  abundance in beauty along with growing passion."

"Woah, that's beautiful."

"I know right. And yeah the bonica roses. They symbolize grace, gratitude and joy."

You nod at him. These flowers and their meanings were so beautiful. It made you happy. Spending time with Namjoon wasn't expected at all but you're not complaining one bit. He seems like such a nice guy and besides, you had a lot of fun which helped you relax for a little.

Even if it was only for a little while, you were still grateful for Namjoon. He helped you get your mind off of things. He told you a little about himself too. He likes flowers and plants. He said that he has a bonsai plant in his bedroom...That was interesting. He seemed like an introvert and he also said that he likes cycling. You have never heard of a King who cycles. But it was really nice to get to know him. Even though he's a king, It's like he's a different guy when you talk to him. You didn't expect to have a conversation with him at all but you like him.


Here are the pictures of the flowers :)

Bonica 82 (rose)

Bonica 82 (rose)

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White roses

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White roses

White roses

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