taking care of him

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I came back up into the room with one of jungkooks sweaters to change him into it. I looked st his body and saw how much he hasn't been taking care of himself aswell as how he harmed himself.

The cuts were made deep on his thighs the ones on his wrist were even worse. I never would've thought for a day in my life my long time bestfriend and husband could've gotten like this. That too because of me.

I know if people had the option to openly speak on this they'd say I shouldn't forgive him. But compared to before u can see just by his way of speaking now he's changed and I'm willing to give him another chance.

I sat on bed an carefully put the sweater on him, his body felt fragile and light. The sweater that once fit him perfectly was now too loose and that caused it to become long, reaching almost his knees.

I layed beside him and brought his head to my chest and turned his body properly and comfortably. Soon y/n came in with a bowl of food for him. She put it down on the night stand and sat down with us.


I finished making the food for dad put it in a bowl and took it to the room and put it down then sat with mom who was hugging dad closely.

Now going back to when I lifted him and now seeing my parents hugging like this. Some people would say "how can u watch them do that". "How can u lift your own dad like that". "That's so weird".

Well let me tell u once upon a time before things changed for the worst me and parenst were like three bestfriends living together.

So I didn't find anything wrong or weird in this, yeah sure the circumstances by which I had to lift him weren't nice but it had to be done.

I reached forward and placed my hand on his head, his skin was really hot, he had a fever too. "I'm gonna get some medication to give to him for the fever". Mom nodded and I walked out.


Ad y/n walked out m/n kept her full attention on jungkook. She strocked his hair lightly and kept him in her warm embrace.

Minutes later she felt movement from him. She didn't freak out as she didn't wanna cause him any unnecessary panic, she just continued to lightly pat his head and rub his back.

Seeing himself in an unfamiliar room jungkook looked up in the position which he layed. Seeing m/n and realizing he's in her embrace jungkook was about to jump up but was stopped by m/n's stern voice.

"Don't u dare get up jungkook, u need to rest". He looked at her baffled, "h-huh"? "U heard he honey, lay back down, I know how much u like laying on my chest".

He didn't think twice and did as he was told, he wasn't gonna miss the opportunity to be close to his wife like this again for anything.

Then y/n walked back in with some pills in a little pack. She was yet to notice that her dad was now awake. She placed the pack on the bedside table and sat down again beside her mother that's when she realized he was awake.


I got the medication and came back putting it down I sat on bed that's when I saw dad was awake. He was looking like a lost puppy hugging mom and looking at me.

I looked at mom and signaled her to the bowl of food for dad. Then I heard my phone ring from downstairs "I'll be right back". I ran downstairs to get my phone are mom sat up with dad to feed him.

I took the call X said I have a boxing match tonight I Said okay hung up and took my phone upstairs with me. As I neared the door I heard sobbing.

I got inside closing the door quietly and saw mom trying to feed dad but he was crying and denying the food. "What happened mom"?

She out the bowl down and pulled dad back to her chest rubbing his back as she spoke. "I don't know, I was trying to feed him but he started crying and shaking his head out of the blue".

I walked over and sat beside dad on the other side of the bed I patted his head lightly. "Dad why won't u eat, your body needs the food, so come on atleast eat a little".

He shook his head and avoided my touch. "Why not"? "Y-you still h-hate m-e". I sighed, "no I dont". He wasn't convinced.

"Okay put it like this, if I hated u why would I be here being nice. I could've easily just left and let mom take care of u by herself but I'm still here".

He turned and looked at me puffy eyed. "U dont"? "No I don't hate you". I signaled mom to give me the food for dad when she did I tried feeding him and he took the food quietly.

Mom smiled and just hugged him as I fed him till the food finished and now it's time to give him the medication for the fever.

I got some water and the pills. "Here you're gonna have to take these". As soon as he saw what was in my hand he turned his head away from me hiding in moms chest.

"Dad please don't be difficult it's for your own good".  He yet again refused which left us with no choice but to force him to take it.

I handed the things to mom and pulled dad gently to me I didn't want to iritate his cuts. After I managed to get him in a tight enough hug where he couldn't fight mom made him take the medication.

This resulted in dad crying out of frustration of not wanting to take the medication but couldn't do anything about it since I was holding him.

Now back to the if I find having to deal with these things like my parents crying weird. No I don't why? Cause I don't see my parents necessarily as parents.

I grew up seeing them as friends and your friends sometimes cry right? So there now u should understand.

After mom got new clothes for dad and took him to the bathroom to have a bath she wanted to make sure someone was always with him to make sure he doesn't hurt himself.

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