finale straw

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I sat in my room doing some homework and ofcourse, they were at it again. I was paying attention to my homework but also to what was going on outside.

For some reason I felt as tho something was about to happen. As I finished my work up I heard a loud crash outside and my mother's scream.

I quickly ran outside and downstairs to see my father standing eyes red in rage and my mother standing with glass shattered around her feet. Luckily I had shoes on so I ran to her side lifted her away from the glass.

She was shaking and crying hard now I couldn't hold back. I went to my dad and slapped him across thr face and kicked him down rage flooded my veins and my eyes turned red. My breathing was hard and quick.

He was visibly shocked at my sudden actions so as my mom. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE U DOING, HUH". I screamed at his face.

I saw from the corner of my eyes my mom was about to come stop me but I quickly glared at her making her stop. I turn back to my father.

"What are u doing huh Mr.Jeon, have u forgotten who that woman is". He remained silent. "FUCKING ANSWER ME". I kicked him again. "WHAT WERENT U THE ONE SHOUTING NON STOP FOR MONTHS?!!? SPEAK"!

I lost it on him. I kneeled down beside him who was groaning in pain on the floor. "Answer me Jeon Jungkook, what is it did u lose your voice now huh".

I had a tight grip on his face. "Y/N I'm your father stop this shit".

I laughed like a maniac. "My father". I clenched my jaw "Oh no Mr.Jeon u have the wrong girl. My father isn't money hungry and an abusive motherfucker".

The entire time mom just watched she was too scared to do or say anything besides I knew she knew in the back of her mind what I was doing was for the best.

I stood up and turned to my mom. "Go pack our bags, now". I order her teary eyes doubled in size. "W-WHAT". Both mom and dad said in unison.

"Mom don't make me more mad just go pack our bags quickly". I was firm she simply did as I said. "Don't u fucking dare listen to her. You're her mother, she shouldn't be ordering u".

I heard dad say behind me. I turned in my heels and slapped him once again making him land right back on the floor. "The audacity u have to still stand here and speak like this".

"But don't worry the tables will turn today. You're one shameless devil but have no fear I'll show u the hell of your actions".

He was speechless. By now mom already ran upstairs and started packing .

"Stand". He didn't move a muscle. "I SAID STAND". He scattered to his feet groaning alot in the process as my kick still had him in pain.

I pulled him by his collar tightly choking him. "Listen to me very carefully. This is the very last time I'll let u  rule my innocent mother like that. U reigned havoc on this house for long enough now I'll ruin everything for u".

I could see it in his eyes he feared me. No one's ever seen this side of me but today it's all coming out. "From today onward, you're no one to us".

"Got that? You're nothing more than another useless guy who thinks he can rule every woman in his life and takes money as his only happiness".

"From now on my mother's name is. Kim M/N and I'm Kim Y/N. My mother was never married she was always a single mother".

"I never had a father, I never knew him I never wanted to know him. Lastly".

"From now on my mother and I no longer live here. You live on your own and u never married my mother".

As I said that mom walked down with my bags aswell as hers. I let go of my dad's collar as he just stood in shock. I walked over the glass to my mom and held her left hand where her wedding ring was.

"Do u see this Mr.Jeon"? I pulled the ring off of her finger and showed it to him as he shook his head everything now dawning on him.

I threw the ring at him as he caught it with shaking hands. "N-no no m/n put the r-ring back o-on". "Y/N what madness is t-this. You're n-not le-aving m-me".

I took my bags and held mom's hand. "Good bye Mr.Jeon hope we never have to see you again".

With that I pulled mom out of the house with me who was crying hard as dad was on his knees in the house crying.

Deep down I was really hurt by my own actions but I wasn't turning back this was for the best.

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