"It's nice to see you again, Inko."

"Hey, sis, can we come in?"

"Oh, sure, sure, make yourselves at home."

We walked into the house and changed our shoes. Then we walked to the living room, where I could see Katsuki, Kasumi and Izumi with a red and white haired boy that I have never seen before. But no Izuku, I looked around but something wasn't right.


"Old hag? Daddy? What are you doing here!?"

"Auntie Mi? Uncle Ma? Uncle Wa?"


The kids greeted us like that, but I was more focused on my bad feeling. I continued to look through the room. I didn't find one picture of Izuku.

"Weird, where are the pictures of Izuku? All I see is Izumi and her friends or Sis and that doofus."


"Honey, kids, please this is not our house."

"Uncle Wa, why are you all here?"

"We came to wish Izuku a Happy Birthday. As we finally got our lives a little under control from these 6 years. Where is he?"

"Uhhh, I don't know?"

"He probably is with his friends. Or he might be upstairs."

"Okay, I will go see if he is there. Surprise him and all."

As I was walking to the stairs and up them, I still didn't find pictures from Izuku. Hisashi's pictures are also missing.

"Why are his pictures gone? Didn't she say that at least Izuku should see them?"

I was getting an even worse feeling. I reached Izuku's room and knocked, but heard no response.


I tried to open the door and to my surprise it opened without problems.

"Is he really with his friends?"

I remember Izuku crying and saying his friends moved away overseas. I opened the door and what I saw shocked me to the core. This room didn't look like that of a 12 year old. It had nothing in it except for a bed. No toys, no furniture, no scattered clothes, nothing. I walked around and looked in the wall closet also finding it empty, but before I closed it my eyes caught something. One of the floorboards was loose and something was caught between it. Removing the floorboard, I found notebooks.

"Hero journal number 12 copy?"

I looked at them all and each said copy with a number going up to 15. Some even said it was rewritten and edited. Looking briefly through one, I was floored by his analyses and predictions.

"Holy coffee, nephew, what have you been doing in your free time?"

I also had one damaged notebook, it looked like someone had used fire or something on it. Opening it, I also saw some info but it was damaged, probably water damages from what I could see. But the last page concerned me.

"I wish I was never born into this family!?"

The last note in the book seemed to be written after the damages. I took them all and returned downstairs. It seemed that doofus came back.

"Inko, where is Izuku?"

"Hmm, I told you right? He must be in his room, if he isn't th-"

"Inko, he doesn't have friends anymore! They moved overseas a long time ago! WHERE IS IZUKU!?"

Scarlet Ascend Powerless No MoreOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora