Baby Shower

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As the carriage drew closer to the Blight residence I was met with a long line of extravagant carriages that no doubt belonged to the party guests. I could count at least ten and that wasn’t taking into consideration those that traveled by staf. 

“When Odalia had said she would be organizing a baby shower for me I had expected a reserved event with only a handful of guests but I suppose that was too much to hope for,” I mumbled to myself.  I had to admit it was incredible that she was able to get so many people to show on such short notice. 

“It’s a good thing we got you some new clothes,” I said to Hunter who was in his carrier next to me wearing navy blue pants with a matching vest along with a white romper and a golden bowtie. Though he was too preoccupied with his hand to pay any attention to her.

The carriage came to a stop at the entrance of the home and I soon felt the carriage move as the driver got off. When I opened my door I saw the abomination nanny, who had been driving, already there waiting for me with Hunter’s stroller. When Odalia had first dropped off the abomination I was not so sure about having it around. I was sure the baby would find it scary but he didn’t seem to mind it as much as I did. I had to admit it was a great help having it around.

As I was settling Hunter in the stroller I heard the front door to the home open and quick footsteps making their way towards them. When I turned around I saw Odalia wearing a burgundy dress, far too elegant for a baby shower, approaching us. Had she not known better she would have assumed Odalia was heading to a gala. 

“Lilith there you are! I was starting to think you weren’t going to show up,” she said with a nervous laugh.  “Oh and look Hunter looks adorable with his little suit.”

“Sorry I underestimated how long it would take to get here on a carriage,” I responded absentmindedly. I could hear the voices coming from the house now. “How many people did you invite?”

“Oh just a few, I know you aren’t a big fan of big parties so I kept it small. Now come, everyone is waiting for you and Hunter,” she said as she pleased her hands on my shoulders and started leading me towards the house with the abomination following behind with the stroller.  

When Odalia opened the door I was met with a cacophony of cheers. The Blight’s home was much larger than a regular home yet almost every inch was filled with guests. From a quick glance around the room she could tell that the majority of the guests were some of the wealthiest witches on the Boiling Isles and unlike Odalia were dressed a bit more relaxed. Though it was still easy to tell their clothing was expensive just by the quality of it. 

“I thought you said it was a small party,” I mumbled in between my teeth to Odalia as I gave a smile to the guests who were now starting to approach us. 

“It is small, besides I told you that Hunter deserved only the best. You should see the gift table,” responded Odalia low enough so that only I could hear her while she had the biggest smile on her face.

“Congratulations!!! Awww is this your little one? You are so precious I could just eat you up,” said one of the party guests to Hunter whose full attention was now on this new person speaking to him.

“Odalia told us how you rescued this poor boy. You truly are remarkable,” said another guest to her with tear-filled eyes. What had Odalia told them? 

Before she could respond someone else had already moved in and taken their place. This same pattern continued with people showering her and Hunter with praise and questions until Alador stepped in. As soon as he entered the room the energy shifted. Everyone quieted down to a point where Alador’s footsteps could be heard ringing across the room as he made his way to Odalia. Once he was next to her he leaned down and whispered something in her ear. 

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