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“Okay, darling everything you need for now is in the travel bag and the baby carriage. I’ll also be leaving the abomination nanny with you so it can help you. Once it finishes cleaning it will go into standby mode so you don’t have to worry about it. The manual for it is in the carriage.” noted Odalia from the front door. “I must be going now but expect to receive a package later today with some items for the baby,”

“I am grateful for all of your help Odalia but that’s too much I …”

“No no none of that. Blight Industries has the best baby products on the boiling isles. Your baby will have nothing but the best. Some of the things you will be receiving aren’t even on the market,” boasted Odalia.

“Oh Odalia that really is too much I couldn’t,” I protested but my old friend simply waved her hand dismissively.
“Most of the items you will be receiving are extras Alador had made for the twins. We don’t need them so they are only taking up space. To tell you the truth you would be doing me a favor by taking them off my hands. As I said, most of these items are not in the market, they were created especially for our children,” she stated in a more serious tone. 

“I know it might be hard to imagine but Alador was really excited when he heard we would be having twins. He spent all of his free time for months creating new items for them and he even made spares. I don’t like seeing them in an empty room going unused so it would be best for you to have them.” she noted with a smile that did not reach her eyes. There was a deep sorrow behind them, and I knew why.

The Blights had experienced a tragedy that only a select few knew about and I was one of them. Even though it had been several years since then I could only imagine how difficult it must be on them, especially on Odalia. Losing a child is a heavy burden that not many can recover from. Just then it dawned on me that this must be the reason why Odalia was being so forceful in helping with Hunter. Having that in mind there was no way she could refuse her request.

“Okay fine but at least let me pay you,” I offered so as to not feel so guilty for accepting her generosity.

“Nope your money's no good here now expect to receive the shipment later today,” she said in a chipper tone as she walked away towards her carriage. “Bye darling, take care of yourself and your little one. Call me if you need anything. And don't worry about the party, I'll handle everything.”

“Thank you…wait what party?” I asked but she ignored the question, only giving me a mischievous smile before riding away.  

Just like that my friend was gone and I was left alone with the baby and the abomination nanny who had found my cleaning supplies and was making everything spotless. 

“Well on the bright side that clears up the rest of my day,” I mumbled to myself, feeling a wave of exhaustion wash over me. 

“That’s right I haven’t slept,” I said to myself as I closed the front door. 

I went back to the living room where Hunter was still asleep in the baby carriage and picked him up gently. He was still asleep and didn’t seem to take notice of her. Were all babies such heavy sleepers? Or was he still under the effects of the healer's coven’s magic?

“Figure it out when you can think straight Lilith right now you need sleep,” I whispered, scolding myself. I needed to sleep while Hunter slept so I could be ready for when he woke up again.

I took him back with me to my bedroom. This time laying him next to me on the bed rather than putting him in his crib. Odalia had suggested that this might be a good way to get Hunter to become accustomed to me faster.

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