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Dear Diary, 

I know it’s been several months since the last time we spoke but I have been assigned to a very important mission. All of my efforts till now have finally paid off. The leader of our glorious coven has selected me, Steve, her most loyal and trustworthy scout, to carry out a super-secret mission for her. I am to locate her sister and report back to her with the location. Many have tried in the past but they all have failed. Still, she believes that I will be the one to find her. No matter how long it takes or how hard things get I will not let her down. 

The first few weeks bore no results. Apart from other guards, hardly anyone had heard of Edalyn Clawthorne. That was until I started asking in the shady regions of the boiling isles. I found many that were more than willing to give me information on the last time that they had seen her and her last known location. With so many people giving me the same answer it was hard to not take it seriously. Besides, it was the only real clue I had.

After receiving the lead on her whereabouts I have been out here in the wilderness searching for her. It’s been five months since I started my search. Two since I started wandering the wilderness in hopes of finding her. I can feel that I am getting close. It won’t be much longer before I can report back to Ms. Lilith and get my reward for a job well done. Once I do, I will tell you about all my adventures in person and write them down. How I wish I would have brought you along with me on my journey diary but it wouldn’t have been safe for you. Soon we'll be together again. 

A rustling of leaves pulled his attention back to his surroundings. Letting down his guard out here was not wise. That was a lesson he had learned early on. “Sorry diary I will have to talk to you later,” he whispered, crouching low to avoid being spotted. 

He moved closer to where he had heard the noise coming from to determine its source. What he saw was a cloaked figure walking down a dirt path. This was the first time he had seen another person in the past two months so he decided to follow them from a safe distance. 

As he followed the figure deeper into the forest he couldn't help feeling excited. He had a good feeling about this. Soon he would be able to return to report his success at completing his mission. And then he would receive his reward. 

Just then he saw the cloaked figure reach a clearing. He could see an odd house in the center of the clearing overseeing a cliff. As the figure got closer to the house he saw them remove their cloak revealing a woman with orange hair tied back into a ponytail. It was her! In his excitement, he took a step forward, accidentally stepping on a branch that broke with a loud cracking sound. 

The sound caught the attention of Edalyn Clawthorne who turned around and uttered one word. He didn’t get to hear what she said but the next thing he knew he was flying through the air and falling down the cliff. He could see the water approaching him quickly and he knew he should be afraid but he was just too happy at the moment to think about that. He had found Edalyn Clawthorne! He had completed his mission. And soon he would get his reward. 

“Shoulder pats for Steeeeeev!” he exclaimed as he continued to fall. 


“This seems to be the place,” I muttered to myself as I came to a clearing. 

From the intel that Steve had been able to gather, we were finally able to pinpoint the location of my sister’s whereabouts. It had been close to a year since Steve had taken off on his own after I expressed needing to find my sister. Nobody knew what had happened to him. Seven months had passed since the last time anyone had seen him. Then one day he was brought in by a civilian who had found him passed out by the shoreline. The healers that treated him said that he was suffering from extreme dehydration and malnutrition. He kept rambling on about being thrown off a cliff and even though he had injuries consistent with a fall they weren’t as severe as they should be if his story was true. He also did not have any burns which meant he did not fall into the boiling sea.

Lilith & Hunter: The Raven's NestOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz