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"Alright, darling here's your cheat sheet. I would suggest you memorize it before the day of the party." I noted handing a clipboard to Lilith. "It's a list of all the guests that will be attending with a photo of them and some topics of interest so you can converse."

Lilith took the clipboard and started skimming through it trying to absorb as much information as possible. I had to admit working with her like this felt like a breath of fresh air. After all, it's not every day that I get to work with someone that is as competent as I am. She was taking this event incredibly seriously and was incredibly involved. I didn't have to give her reminders for what needed to be done and I could trust the job would get done with as much attention to detail as if I was handling the task myself. Which is more than I can say for working with Alador. He's a genius and I love his mind but outside of tinkering with his inventions, he's helpless.

"This is quite excellent work. You know if you ever wanted a change of pace the emperor's coven could certainly use someone like you," noted Lilith as she continued reading through the notes, I had handed her. While continuing to read she rummaged through her bag and pulled out a notebook and handed it to me. I took it from her and immediately noticed the amount of detail that had gone into decorating its cover and Lilith's impeccable handwriting. It almost made the simple notebook look like a professionally made book. "By the way, I have already taken care of the decorations for the castle as well as the caterers."

When I opened the notebook, I saw that it was a catalog that she had made. It was even more organized and detailed than the notes I had given her. Her notebook even included an index detailing the contents of the book. It was filled with unbelievably detailed descriptions of each and every decoration that would be used during the event. It had their location, cost, size, and any other detail that was of any importance. She even had a section for each flower that would be used and in what bouquet they would go in as well as their meaning.

"You flatter me darling, but if this is the level of detail that is required to be part of the coven I'm afraid I am far underqualified. Besides without me, Blight Industries would crumble but thank you for the offer," I replied. I'm sure many on the isles would have jumped at the opportunity to work directly under a coven head but that was just not me. I liked being my own boss.

"I understand but if you ever change your mind the offer will continue to stand," she noted without looking up from the notes. "By the way, remember I told you Raine had offered to play at the party?"

"Of course I do, I still have my doubts. From what I've heard their stage fright hasn't gone away and I still remember the utter disaster of a play they put on with Eda when we were children."

"If memory serves you had something to do with that?" she said, raising an eyebrow but still keeping her concentration on what she was reading.

"All I did was give them constructive criticism."

"From your seat," she replied. "In the middle of their performance."

"All I'm saying is that if you are going to be a performer you need to have tougher skin." Lilith's expression gave no hint of whether she approved of my response or not.

"Anyway, I don't think they'll be able to perform at the party."

"So, I was right. Not to worry, I still have the group I had booked for the twin's birthday so it won't be a problem." I had anticipated this as soon as Lilith told me about Raine. Sure they are talented but what good is talent if you're too scared to use it? This is why I called the music group for the twins that same day and changed the date to the new party date.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2023 ⏰

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