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Ever since I met Eda, I knew I wanted to be by her side. At first, I thought it was because I had finally found someone that I could be friends with, but I would eventually realize that it was much more than that. A part of me always knew I had feelings for her, but it took a while before I was ready to admit it. She became my best friend, my biggest supporter, and the person I admire the most in the world. I wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of my life with her and I was sure she felt the same way.

Eda has always been very independent, it's one of the things I admire about her but it's also what makes her push me away. Rather than facing obstacles together, she prefers dealing with them by herself and lying to me so that I don't worry. But I know her better than anybody, I know when she's lying, and it hurts. It has always made me feel like she doesn't trust me and at times it gets hard to trust her. I suppose that's the reason everything came to crash when the baby came along.

The day I learned about him I felt a wide range of emotions in just a few minutes. I was confused at first but for a brief moment I thought he was our child and I felt overwhelming joy. I had never given any thought to having children. Eda and I had never discussed it before. Yet for just that moment I saw us growing old together with a family of our own. Then when she clarified that the child belonged to Lilith, I felt sad as I saw that short-lived dream fade. But also, I felt an overwhelming sense of relief. We had never discussed what direction we wanted our relationship to go in. There were many things that we needed to sort out before then. Unfortunately, we did not get that far.

After leaving the owl house that day I felt very overwhelmed. Taking care of the baby together with Eda made me realize that there was a lot more we were missing out on as a couple. We hardly ever spent any time together just hanging out like we did that day. I also experienced Eda relying on me for the first time in a long time. Even though it was just doing simple tasks like entertaining a baby it still made me happy that she depended on me.

I had previously wanted us to move in together but after that day, I felt myself wanting more. It didn't help that I still kept getting praised and receiving gifts for the child everyone thought we had together. Every time someone would approach me, I would feel a mixed sensation of joy, regret, and longing. It didn't help that most people wouldn't listen to me when I told them Hunter wasn't ours, so the news just kept spreading. Some even gave me personalized gifts that were just too embarrassing to even look at but that also pushed me even further over the edge.

Next thing I knew I was purchasing a special ring and calling Eda to make plans for a special night together. We were going to go out on the town just the two of us. We would have dinner, dance, and maybe go to a brawl. Then when the moment was right, I would take her to our special place up on the hill. Over the years it had become a special place for us where we could escape the world and be together. It was where we shared our first kiss and where we confessed our feelings for one another. Once there I would play her favorite song and then take out the ring and ask her to marry me. It was going to be perfect. Unfortunately, we never even made it out of the house.

When I arrived that night Eda informed me that we would have to leave a little later than planned because Lilith was running late. I didn't mind waiting a bit longer, but I could tell something was wrong. Eda was acting strange and even Hooty seemed concerned. I tried asking them what was wrong but neither of them would budge. Eda even tried brushing off the question and tried distracting me with the baby. I'm ashamed to say it but it worked for a while. I suppose the baby fever had gone to my head. Still, as the hours passed Eda became more and more on edge. It was clear to me that she was scared but I didn't know why. She kept stealing glances at the clock and then at the door. Hooty spent most of the time outside patrolling. It was strange and it gave me the impression that we were all in danger.

Lilith & Hunter: The Raven's NestМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя