chapter twenty-four.

Start from the beginning

I nodded again, barely speaking. He got out of the car, and then within a second later— my car door was already opened. I thanked him, looking up at the big red sign again.

There were no windows, it was just a black-ish wall filled with different types of languages. At first, it looked like it was vandalized, but for some reason... it looked pretty. The door was taller than me, like it was going to be hard to open the door.

Looking back at Nicolas, he was already looking at me while he had his hands inside his pockets. He shrugged, holding out one of his hands out for me to hold. Well... here goes nothing, I guess?

I took it, that spark back again. And even though I tried to let go, I couldn't. It was like... me and him, we were supposed to stick together.

Nicolas took a deep breath, "Let's go?"

I nodded. "Let's."

He kissed my hand that he was holding, we walked to the door, and it magically opened.

A woman, near Nicolas' age, wore a long red dress and a smile plastered all over her face. She walked to Nicolas.

"Nicolas, what a surprise!" She laughed, hugging him tightly while he held my hand. She kissed him on both his cheeks, while I watched them.

I wanted to roll my eyes, but it felt too disrespectful. So I just stood there with a fake smile.

"Devinia, how have you been?" Nicolas asked the woman whose name is Devinia.

She rolled her eyes, "Busy. After the big escándalo, I have been working! Clothes here, clothes there. Engagement here, engagement there. Estoy sufriendo, mi amigo." Scandal. I am suffering, my friend.

Nicolas laughed, his whole chest vibrating. I bit my lip, this feels strange. Him laughing with someone else feels strange. It shouldn't feel that strange. I slowly let go of Nicolas' hand, but he didn't let me— instead, he pulled me closer to him.

The woman— Devinia, looked at me and smiled wider, her white teeth showing. She clapped softly. "A girl."

"Not a girl, Devinia. A woman." Nicolas tsked. He called me a woman, I couldn't help but smile. "This is Oceana. Oceana, Devinia Montrillania."

Devinia didn't extend her hand for me to shake, and I also couldn't do anything. I smiled at her instead, and she returned it with a nod.

"Which family are you in, girl?" She asked.

"Steele... family?"

"From the Americans? Italians? Spain, China, Thailand, England, Ecuador, New York, Poland?" I looked at her weirdly, if we were going to name countries, then I'm out.

"Just Steele." I spoke with a slight confusion.

She laughed, and then stopped, looking straight at me. "We have a problem, Nicolas."

Nicolas held unto my hand tighter but it didn't hurt me. It was the way Devinia looked at me, and it scared me. She was judging me, full time. I didn't know why, or how. Did I want to know? Yes.

Devinia looks at Nicolas, fury in her eyes. "She cannot be in here, you know this is no—"

"Devinia, shut it!" A new, silky voice shouted. I looked at where it came from and saw another woman, looking the same as Devinia. They were twins. Two Devinias. Two scary Devinias.

This is going to be the end of me.

She walked down the stairs, wearing a white short dress, while her hair was also short. She smiled, hugging me first and then Nicolas.

Nicolas greeted her, but that cold voice was back. That voice he's using right now? I know it all too well.

"Oceana, you look so pretty!" The other woman who wasn't Devinia said. I smiled, feeling comfortable around her already.

"Thank you." I said, not knowing her name.

"My name is Levinia, and I see that you have met my cruel twin sister."

I nodded, a giggle leaving my mouth. Devinia tsked. "Ay, ay. Do not worry about Devinia, she is just bitter because our Nicolas here never brings women like you."

Women like me.

I felt my cheeks heat up, but it went away as soon as I thought: where does he bring other women?

"Levinia, will you please show Oceana the new dresses?" Nicolas said, clearing his throat. Levinia nodded. "Devinia, a word?"

Devinia leaves the three of us, and Nicolas looked at me with a smile, the sweet smile he only gives me. "I'll be back, try everything, okay?"

I nodded, he kissed my forehead and left. I followed him with my eyes, noticing how his posture changes, how he stands up straighter when he's with other people.

"Now, now, chica. Come with me." Levinia said, walking towards another door.

"Where are we going?" I asked, standing still. Levinia looked back at me.

She smiled, "Shopping, chop chop!" She clapped, and two other women showed up with five different dresses in both their hands, I was shock because I didn't notice them there. I gulped, looking at all the dresses, what was this place?

All the dresses looked so pretty it scared me, I didn't want to wear them, I wanted to put them on the wall and just stare at all of it.

"Oceana, try them all." Levinia insisted. I shook my head, scared it won't fit.

"I can't." I said.

"Yes, you can. Be confident about yourself, it is the first thing we all should do as a start." Levinia said, holding out her hand for me. I gulped. Be confident, I can do that, right?

I nodded, answering my own question.

I can.

I smiled, touching the dresses in front of me, all of them different colors and designs. I picked the first dress I would be trying on for today, thanking the woman who held it, I went straight to the fitting room.

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