chapter seventeen 👑

Start from the beginning

"Who's she?" Na'ilah quizzed.

Marisa walked up to them and collected her boss's bag and coat and left to keep at her make up room.

Fauziya who wringing her wrist smiled at one of the editorial members of Vogue that passed.

"That's miss Taliana Bugouire" she answered her friend "the art director"

Taliana reached where they were standing and shook Fauziya's hand "You're just in time Miss Fozia, we're about to start, I've already had your manager adjust your schedule so you can start with another interview" it was after she had finishing informing fau Na'ilah "And this must be your friend"

"Hi, I'm Na'ilah" she extended her hand for a shake which Taliana without hesitation "It's a pleasure to meet you"

"The pleasure is all mine" she turned at Fauziya again "Do you want to freshen up your makeup or we can start the interview immediately, they're already here" Miss Taliana whispered the last part.

"Let's start immediately,we wouldn't want to keep them waiting" she smiled at the art director.

"Okay, I'll have the set ready"


Miss Taliana nodded at her before walking away.

"Well she seems nice" Na'ilah commented once she was out of earshot. The both of them had already began walking in slow and small strides to where the interview would take place.

"She's french and french people are nice" she walked passed her.

"Now I wish you were french too"

"Just shut up and don't be a douchebag"


After the interview which would be aired on MTV after the release of the magazine, Fauziya had a small impromptu photoshoot which made the girls spend much more time at the studio than intended. But Na'ilah kept herself very occupied, from the occasional visits to the snack table then to the friendly chats and games she had with the less busy members of the crew–including Taliana, she could say she had a good time at the studio.

By the time they had wrapped up everything, it was a little after seven in the evening. They had decided to have dinner at an Italian restaurant downtown.

After making their orders, Fauziya took out her phone and began scrolling at her pictures that vogue had just posted on Instagram.

"I always get this feeling that we're the only ones that come here just for leisure" Na'ilah commented when she noticed a man and his pregnant wife walk in hand in hand.

"And what do the rest come here for?" Fauziya asked without looking away from her phone.


The both of them sat at VIP lounge of the restaurant which gave them access to the entries and exits of the place which was why they like coming here,it always gave room for something to talk about.

Fauziya tore her eyes away from her phone and sighted the man taking out a chair for his wife to sit.

What a gentleman unlike some guy I know.

She shook her head and returned her attention back to her phone "Too cheesy" she had said in a toneless voice.

Na'ilah's eyes widened in surprise as she struggled to smother her laughter "I can't believe that,you always liked the kind of this kind of things before"

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