Chapter 52

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Lin Jiayin blushed and was pulled into a small restaurant on the street.

After sitting down, Lin Jiayin hummed suspiciously.

"You have to let your boyfriend have dinner first." Shen Zhan saw through her thoughts and smiled, "You are in a hurry."

"I..." If it wasn't for his handsome face, Lin Jiayin really wanted to punch him directly, "You always bully me in words and deeds!"

"I also bullied you in action." Shen Zhan looked at her and said.

Lin Jiayin pouted and turned her head to ignore him with a hum.

Shen Zhan smiled, lowered his head to eat fried rice and didn't tease her again.

He thinks he is very funny, he likes to tease her, he likes to watch her blushing secretly and pretending to be angry.

Very tempting, want to bite her.

After eating, Shen Zhan took her to stroll around the street.

The vehicles on the road, the pedestrians walking in a hurry, the dim street lights on the street, and the elongated shadows of the two holding hands on the bluestone slab, intertwined into a sweet and comfortable picture.

"Go back?" Shen Zhan asked her.

Lin Jiayin pursed her lips, "I mean..."

Halfway through, she couldn't go on.

"I came to you because I miss you, I want to see you, not to turn you into bed." Shen Zhan turned his head and said, "Understand?"

Lin Jiayin nodded.

"I don't want to go back." Lin Jiayin also stopped and stared at him, "Liu Nana and Meng Yulan are very noisy at night, and I haven't slept well in these two days."

"Then go get the suitcase." Shen Zhan said.

Lin Jiayin shook her head, "The teacher said that he can't leave the team and must go back to school together."

"Go back in the morning." Shen Zhan said.

Lin Jiayin hesitated and said: "Then I have to wait for them to sleep before sneaking out."

"Little Sun, we are not cheating." Shen Zhan said seriously.

Lin Jiayin took a deep breath, "Well, I'll send a message to Liu Nana, saying that my boyfriend will not return to the hotel tonight."

"Really good." Shen Zhan rubbed her hair.

Fortunately, there is also a chain hotel not far from the hotel where the dance team settled.

After swiping the room card, Lin Jiayin went in first.

There was a bang of the door behind her, and the person was pinched on her shoulders. After half a second, she was pressed against the door by Shen Zhan.

"Little Sun, I miss you so much." Shen Zhan said dumbly with his chin resting on her shoulder.

Lin Jiayin hugged his waist, "I miss you so much."

Shen Zhan chuckled softly in her ear, pressing his lips up, prying his tongue open and driving straight in.

Lin Jiayin was stunned by the kiss, unable to breathe, like a drowning fish.

After a long time, Shen Zhan let go of her still intently.

Lin Jiayin's bones were all softened, and she collapsed on the bed and sank in. After slowing down, she asked, "You wash or me first?"

Shen Zhan came over, took her in his arms and walked to the bathroom, "together."

The hot water hit her body, and Lin Jiayin propped her elbow on the cool white tile.

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