Chapter 36

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Everyone stared at Shen Zhan's every move, their gazes were delayed.

People who were close heard the phrase "Mom told you to go home for dinner", and their mouths were as big as an apple, and their jaws almost fell to the ground.

"Mom? Married?" I don't know who exclaimed.

"Nice!" someone answered.

There was a sudden whispering whisper in the classroom.

Passing from behind, row by row, like a drum passing flower.

Even the Sleeping God who hadn't been passively awakened in the front row just held up half of his head, touched his forehead and knocked on the red seal on the edge of the table, and asked the tablemate in confusion: "What's wrong?"

The tablemate didn't look back as if he hadn't heard him.

In the ten seconds that was short or long, everyone in the classroom focused their eyes on Shen Zhan and Lin Jiayin who was facing him.

Tao Mo: "..."

She wants to say something, but she doesn't know what to say. Mom is out now. Isn't she a boyfriend? She went to heaven.

And the focus of attention.

Lin Jiayin was looking up at Shen Zhan with a dazed face.

Her brain can no longer be described as a blank. She has no brain anymore. The discussion around her is covered with gauze, and her ears are full of inaudible buzzing.

"Mom called this morning to let you go home to eat at night." Shen Zhan saw her dazedly and repeated it again.

"Mom--" Lin Jiayin followed his words, just opened her mouth and uttered the first syllable, and there was another sorrow behind her.

She wants to be called Auntie! Her mouth is definitely not hers!

Everyone took a big breath of air: "Mom?"

Lin Jiayin looked at them with an extremely embarrassing and embarrassing expression, and everyone looked directly at her.

She was about to cry and didn't know how to answer.

Shouldn't the correct relationship between the two be broken up?

Shen Zhan narrowed his eyebrows, raised his hand, and covered her head naturally, rubbing it twice.

Everyone sighed again.

Damn it.

Is this Nima still Shen Zhan?

Look at these gentle eyes, petting movements, and slightly curled lips.

I don't believe any ghosts!

But when this picture appeared in front of everyone, there was no sense of violation.

It seems that Shen Zhan is facing Lin Jiayin, it should be like this.

Lin Jiayin's eyes were raised, her eyes were innocent and confused, and she stared at him blankly.

"You two are in love?" Tao Mo finally couldn't help asking.

Shen Zhan turned his head, his voice was flat and his expression was serious: "No."

Tao Mo: "Huh?"

Everyone: "Huh?"

"Then...then you..." Tao Mo glanced back and forth between the two for a few seconds before slowly "?"

"I'm chasing her." Shen Zhan explained.


If it weren't for the moment when the class bell rang, Yang Bo would walk in with a book and a thermos cup. No one wanted to turn his head back.

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