Chapter 18

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In Lin Qingxuan's impression, Shen Zhan has a thief's temperament, whether he is dressed or behaved.

As a straight man who couldn't be straightforward, he often watched Shen Zhan stubbornly hold back four words.

So handsome.

That's right, it's handsome enough to explode.

Although very nasty, but I have to admit that he has secretly imitated Shen Zhan for a while.

Lin Qingxuan's family is pretty good, and he bought a lot of luxury goods in his style, but they didn't look like him.

What's even more uncomfortable is that Shen Zhan doesn't like luxury goods very much, and he wears casually, but he abruptly wears a limited-price model. As for him, putting on luxury goods is like buying a stall.

Lin Qingxuan admits his fate, not everyone can have his face and family.

Riding a pink women's bicycle can step on the feeling of a noble son in the Republic of China.

Lin Qingxuan watched him slowly ride downstairs, and couldn't help thinking if the person sitting on it was himself.

Absolute violations, not only violations, may also be trivial.

"Shen Zhan——" Lin Qingxuan shouted downstairs and waved again.

As soon as I heard it, I knew it was Lin Qingxuan's voice, and Shen Zhan didn't lift his eyelids, his attitude was cold.

Lin Qingxuan hesitated and forgot to pee, turned around and ran off before he stopped.

"Fuck, not only the car basket is pink, but the entire car is pink." Lin Qingxuan circled the car in a strange tone.

Shen Zhan ignored him and walked forward.

Lin Qingxuan grabbed the leader and raised his eyebrows: "Your sister's?"

Soon he said again: "That's not right, isn't your family alone?"

He really couldn't think of where Shen Zhan put such a bicycle.

Shen Zhan glanced at him: "Let go."

Not only did Lin Qingxuan not let go, but also grabbed the dragon's head with the other hand: "Give me a ride?"

He suddenly wanted to try the feeling of riding this pink bicycle.

Shen Zhan: "Try it."

"I'll try it." Lin Qingxuan, who was overwhelmed by curiosity, didn't even hear the coldness in his tone.

Shen Zhan flicked his hand and spit out a word: "Go away."

Then he carried the bicycle up a step, put it under the eaves, and stepped on the tripod.

Lin Qingxuan followed him up the stairs and muttered like a grudge: "Stingy, isn't it just a broken bicycle?"

Shen Zhan took out the phone from his trouser pocket, clicked on WeChat, swiped twice, and jumped to the chat interface.

-The moonlight is so beautiful tonight, as beautiful as you

Sweep to the last three words.

Great beauty.


Shen Zhan twitched the corner of his mouth.

Lin Qingxuan touched his head: "No...why did you come to school by bike? Isn't there an Audi? Where did you get such a pink and girlish bicycle?"

After speaking, he took two steps with his right leg to catch up with Shen Zhan.

I want to know the answer so much, I grabbed Shen Zhan's wrist without thinking about it.

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