~ Hello There ~

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Hello hello! I bet it's been a while huh 😈
Hope you guys had a nice little break from the story
I know y'all are dying to read, so, quickly:
I love you all and thank you so so very much.
Please, enjoy and don't stress yourselves too much! Have an amazing day, and have an amazing read ;>

(Btw, I might or might not try some new formatting stuff, so heh...watch out~)

Continuing on My Little Demons:
"Ace and Sabo only pointed at each other, while Luffy proceeded to pick his boogers."


This was not what you were expecting...at all. Mihawk, Pops, and a red haired male all stood in one room, making small talk with one another. The red head of course, wasn't immediately recognized, since his back was facing you.

2 pairs of eyes landed on your entering form - one gold, and another a misty blue. The man in a loose unbuttoned shirt and trousers only turned around to grin, realizing who it was.

"Y/n! You're the person I least expected to work here!" - The man you knew oh too well - walked towards you with his arms wide open. Not exactly ready to be smothered in cheek rubs and a bone crushing hug, you quickly dodged his embrace to strut over to the others with Luffy and Sabo in hand while Ace was chilling on your back.

With a pout, the red haired man tried to hug you again, only to be met with flames inches away from his face. "Ace, don't waste your flames on poopy tasting food like him," you teased, peeking back at him to see his reaction...

Only to be met with a puddle on the floor surrounded by broken hearts. At your limit, you bursted out laughing at the sight. Poor Shanks.

"Alright, fine, I'll give you a hug. Just let me hand over the kids to Pops. I don't want you crushing them before I can even give them back."

Getting up with a grin, he dusted himself off as if he were never on the ground. You handed the three babies - who were not very excited to leave your side - over to Pops who was guffawing at the scene, tears daring to spill. Mihawk looked to the side, but you knew too well that he was trying to hide his smile.

As you proceeded to embrace the redhead, you readied yourself for O2 depletion and a couple of collapsed organs, but pahhh you'll be fine.

Strong arms wrapped around your shoulders, while you wrapped yours onto his torso. Hugging for a bit too long, you captured the smell of alcohol and apple. Very fitting in your opinion. And to be honest...It felt nice.

"It's nice to see you again Shanks, but I need to talk to some parents yeh?"

Parting away sheepishly, Shanks grinned either way, "You got it captain."

Grinning back, you patted him on the head, walking back to Mihawk and Pops. You then realized - where's Zoro?

"Hey Mihawk, where's Zoro?" And there he was, fast asleep and strapped to the back of Mihawk. It was the most adorable thing you could imagine. "I'll leave Zoro with you for a while. Red hair wants me to go somewhere with him tonight, and knowing him, I won't be back till tomorrow evening".

Shanks looked at Mihawk as if he grew another head, "What's that supposed to mean??" He shook Mihawk by the shoulders, fake tears streaming down his cheeks. "I thought we were best buddies!"

You stifled your laugh at the slight crack in his voice, patting his back in amusement. "Alright Shanks, I think the both of you should go on your exciting trip now". Migawk - I mean - Mihawk couldn't help but slightly glare at you for pushing them to leave so soon. You could only smile back innocently. Oh if only he had his precious sword with him now, you'd have been sashimi for the sea kings long ago.

Taking Zoro from Mihawk, you gently held him in your arms. "You guys should go before it gets too late. Wouldn't wanna keep you guys waiting."

Pouting as he got dragged by Mihawk, Shanks waved goodbye, not wanting to part with his best friend again, and the former, only giving a tilt of his head before continuing to pull the touch deprived manbaby back to the boat.

Sighing, you realized that those two never changed. Mihawk was still a very monotone hunk of a- I mean, a very sweet gentleman. He always kept to himself, which you thought was kinda uh...cute. Shanks on the other hand, was still as lively as he was back when you two met for the first time. It kind of reminded you of Luffy. Luffy and him were...oh...oh...

You shook your head, 'he didn't have a child did he?' Sometimes you really wondered if that man could really...keep a hold of himself. Considering how flirtatious he was, you wouldn't be surprised. Shrugging to yourself, you walked over  to pops, quietly laughing at the sight of the three boys drooling on pops' arms and chest.

Looking at the little bushel of laziness in your hands, you found yourself smiling at his little drooling face too, wiping his chubby cheek with your sleeve. You didn't really care at this point. All you wanted was to fall asleep and dream - once again - about some random sugary sweetness and cotton candy clouds.

"Nothing can make me feel as free as you."


I'm gonna be making some pretty short chapters since long ones are ANEHSKSJQOHAVSN

I hope y'all are fine with that 😭😭

Look out for the next chapter!

^when chapters aren't posted on the right days

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^when chapters aren't posted on the right days

My Little Demons (one piece x reader) Daycare styleWhere stories live. Discover now